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Alex's POV

When Sam realized that I was in the room he got up and started to walk away. blood was running down his face.

"Sam are you oka-"

"IM FINE ALEX!" he glared at me and walked off. I burst into tears and fell to the floor. then I got a BAD cramp. oh no! if I started my period! I stood up and dried my tears. Connor looked at me and said.

"Um, you got something on the back of your pants." panic took over my body and I ran to the bathroom. and there was a big red stain on my panties. I put on a pad and some black pants. I grabbed my keys and drove to the doctor. I decided it would be best to call Matt.


"Hey, Matt? Who is screaming? dont tell me you stole another girl?!"

"No no no no no no! that's the boys."


" know, my best friends."

"I'm lost."

"Ok you know vine."


"Well, there are a bunch of guys that go to a Meet and Great convention. aka Magcon. this includes: Nash Grier, Hayes Grier, Cameron Dallas, Me, Carter Renalds, Aaron Carpenter, Jack Gillinsky, Jack Johnson, Mohogany, Taylor Caniff, and the one and only Shawn Mendes."

"Wow. but I called to tell you something."


"Our baby is dead."

"Hahhahahah! that's you fault bæ!" I hung up and pulled into the parking lot. I turned the key and I saw Sam's car in the space beside me. I walked in and saw him sitting on his phone. I walked to the front and said, "hi, my name is Alexandria Franta." Sam looked up and looked at me with wonder in his eyes.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Well I was pregnant. but then this morning I started my period."

"Ok well go sit by that young man." I walked over to Sam and looked down to my shoes.

"Im sorry Alex."

"For what?" I looked up at him.

"Yelling at you, for everything."

"Sam! are you serious! you called me a slut! you think I will just forgive you! well you got another thing coming buddy!"

I stood up and get real close to his face.

"You are gonna have to earn me back." he looked at me with his big dark eyes and nodded his head.

"Ms.Franta, the doctor will see you know." I stood up and followed the lady into the room. I sat on the bed and waited for the doctor. after about 5 minutes of flappy bird. The doctor finally walked in.

"Hello Alexandria! So how far along were you?"

"Um 2 months."

"Ok please lay down."

"Alright." I laid down and he pulled out the jell. Then Sam walked in.

"Are you the father?" the doctor asked polity.

"Yes." he sat down and watched the monitor. there was no heartbeat.

"Because the baby was so small, we might not have to to surgery."

"Is my baby gone?"

"I'm sorry, but yes." I can't believe it. my baby is gone!

"Do you know why?"

"Um probably stress, or your body couldn't take it. that is highly unlikely though because your body is very healthy." Sam glared at him.

"So it was stress?" I said breaking the silence.

"Most likely yes." I stood up and the doctor showed us were to go. we went to the front desk and signed out. Sam had a bandage on his nose, but other than that it didn't look too bad.

"Sam why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Go into the room."

"Because its my baby."

"No it's not."

"How dare you say that!"

"Sam I meant by blood, not by what the truth is!" he hugged me and went into his car and I went into mine. this is going to be a long week!


How are y'all liking this story! I find it fun to write it! Any ideas? you can private message me if you do! don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

Love you all...stay beautiful! -Alex😜✌👅

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