Chapter 24 Going To Paris

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Chapter 24 Going To Paris


The next few days flew by, I couldn't wait to get to Paris and just be with Jace for the weekend. I was also nervous because I have never been on a plane before. So I was freaking out, alot.

Everybody was ready to go, Mum and Jaces parents were coming with us to see us off. They was packing the car while I freaked out at the front door.

"You ready to go?" Jace asks me standing behind me with his arms wrapped firmly around me, I nod not wanting to speak as I was scared if I opened my mouth I would freak out even more than I was on the inside. Jace must have seen through it, because he turned me around so that I was facing him my head laying gently against his chest. I could hear Jaces heart thumping away in his chest which relaxed me.

Dup-dup, Dup-dup, Dup-dup.

Dup-dup, Dup-dup, Dup-dup.

Jace pulled away, "I'm not going to let anything hurt you okay? I promise." Jace kissed my forehead.

"Okay... Lets go." I said before heading outside to the car.


"Be careful now Darling. And make sure you ring me every night before you go to bed." Mum said hugging me tightly.

"I'll ring or text you, don't worry Mum..." I said wiping away the tears that was falling from my mums eyes.

Mum turned to Jace, "You'll look after her won't you Jace?"

"With my life." Jace replied wrapping his arm around my waist. "I promise you."

Rachel turned to Jace and I, "Have fun, be careful and be safe." Rachel hugged us before moving so that Max could hug us.

"Have fun kids!" Max said grinning from ear to ear.

After all hugging again and saying goodbye for a couple of days Jace and I set off. We walked through the airport, which I had no clue of where we was going luckily Jace did.

After going through passport control, we went into WHSmiths and brought two bottles of 7UP, Dairy Milk Oreo chocolate my favourite chocolate ever! And two packets of Skittles.


Just after sitting down in our seats ready to go to Paris a flight attendent came up to us, smiling from ear to ear.

"Are you Jace Stone and Amy Wright?" Different things went through my mind, Are they going to kick us off the plane?  Is she going to tell us that all of this was a joke that we wasn't actually going to Paris?

"Yes, we are. Is there a problem?" Jace answered for us.

The flight attendent smiled, "There's no problem Sir, its just your seats have been moved to first class. If you could follow me?" First class!  First Freaking Class!

Jace got up and started collecting our stuff, he took my hand and pulled me up. We followed the flight attendent down the long rows of seats, finally we got to First Class and was it amazing! We followed the flight attendent to our comfortable seats and thanked her.

"Why are we in First Class?" I asked excitedly, after we was settled.

Jace shrugged, "I think the 'Make A Wish" people pulled a few strings..." Jace beamed at me before continuing, "But I'm not going to moan about it."

Nor am I. I thought.


An hour and 45 mintues later we was walking off the plane. Jace had all of our  our hand luggage in one hand and my hand in the other.

"See the flight wasn't that bad?" Jace said kissing the top of my head.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah... you was right. I had nothing to worry about."

"Angel I am always right." Jace said laughing.

"Can I take my hand luggage?" I said pointing to my bag, I felt bad having Jace carrying my bag.

"Nope." Jace said popping the 'P'.

We collected out suitcases, (I made sure I took mine) and we started making our way to where we was supposed to be picked up from.

There was loads of different men with different boards with peoples names on. We was looking around when I spotted a tall man in a black suit with a board reading 'Mr Stone and Miss Wright' on it. I pointed to Jace and we headed over to the man. He had short black hair with strands of grey coming through and  hazel eyes, he must have been late 50s.

"You must be Mr Stone and Miss Wright am I correct?" The man asked with a thick French accent.

"Yes that's us." Jace said smiling at the man.

"Brilliant, I am Darcey and I will be your driver for today." Darcey beamed at us. "If you could follow me?" We followed Darcey out of the airport and into the cool day of France.

Darcey stopped at a long black Limo, we stared at him confused. "We're going in a Limo?" I asked my mouth hitting the ground.

"Oui Miss." Darcey opened the door for us. I got in first saying 'thank you' in french. Once Jace was in the Limo with me, Darcey closed the door and headed to the driver seat.

Once in Darcey turned to us and said, "Next stop Hotel Beausejour Montmartre..." And then we was driving.

I cuddled up to Jace my head resting on his shoulder. I was struggling to keep my eyes open. Jace must have noticed because he said, " Angel why don't you try and sleep? I'll wake you when we're here." I noded, closing my eyes. Jace wrapped his arms around me firmly, he kissed the top of my head. "Night Angel..." And then I was taken into dreamland.



So I literally had to force myself to upload this chapter, I'm ill and all I want to do is sleep. Sorry if this isn't the best of chapters but I wanted to make sure I uploaded on Friday as I always do ^.^

Make sure to Comment, Vote and Share as it means so much!

Sorry again if this isn't the best of chapters!

Stay happy,

Jo ^.^

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