Chapter 32 Hope

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Chapter 32 Hope

I stay sitting in the uncomfortable waiting room chair, mum tried to get me to go home but I felt like if I did I was turning my back on Jace. Jaces mum and dad bought me a sandwich I wasn’t complaining though I was starving.

When I was in the room with Jace I hadn’t realised that he had fallen asleep due to the drugs that the nurses gave him. I was hoping that he would make the night. If Jace died then I would keep my promise and sing ‘Drop In The Ocean’ at his funeral as his last request.

Mum wrapped her arm around me as I laid my head on her shoulder, “Why don’t we go home and get some sleep? This can’t be good for the babies...”

“Mum I can’t leave him…” I whispered.

“I know darling, but you have to think of the babies…” Mum said trying to convince me that leaving was the best thing to do.

“Amy listen to your mother.” Jaces mum spoke, smiling at me. “I’ll ring you if there is any news. But I know Jace would want you at home sleeping, looking after the babies and yourself.” I nodded before standing and hugging Jaces mum and dad.

“Promise me that you will ring me if you hear anything.”

“I promise you darling. Now go and sleep.” Jaces mum kissed my cheek before mum pulled me down the halls before I even got a chance to say goodbye to Jace.

“I’m coming back after I sleep and shower.” I tell mum as we get into the taxi she rung for.

“Okay darling, I’ll come with you.” I looked outside as we drove away from the hospital and I felt like I had left a piece of my heart in there. As the sky turned darker I got more tired, but all I wanted was to know that Jace was still alive.

We pulled up at our home that was so dark and lifeless, mum paid the taxi man and we got out. I kissed her cheek and went to my room. I changed into Jaces shirt that was too small now that my stomach was growing bigger and bigger every day. I laid in bed wishing Jace to wrap his arms around me or even to kiss my stomach.

I held my stomach as I thought about our unborn children, our little girl and little boy. My little bliss-belle and my little boy that still didn’t have a name. I needed Jace to decide a name for him, I can’t choose without him. I smile as I feel the babies kick as I remember I’m not all on my own, I love you my beautiful babies.

As I close my eyes the last thing I think about is Jace before slipping into a peaceful slumber where Jace and our children were, all healthy and happy.  I knew this would be a beautiful dream before it barely started.


I wake up and check my phone for what felt like the fifth time that night, I had no text messages or phone calls and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. I looked at the time and it read 11:00, I slowly got up and went into the bathroom to shower.

After showering I put on simple jogging bottoms and a simple top, all I wanted was to see Jace and I didn’t care what I was wearing. I walked down the stairs, and went into the kitchen to see mum talking to my dad at the kitchen table. As soon I walked in he turned around and smiled at me so there was no escape.

“Darling your father wants to talk to you…” Mum smiled at me and her face told me to hear him out.

I sighed and sat next to mum, I looked at him and then put my hand on my stomach as if trying to protect my babies from the man that didn’t want me to have them.

“I came to see how you and the baby is…” He started off slowly.

“Babies, she’s having twins.” My mum said stupidly.

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