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(I'm super sick so this is where I got the idea from)


You woke up a stuffy nose and sore  throat. You grabbed your water bottle and drank some water almost gagging at the disgusting warm water.

You got up,grabbed your phone and water bottle, and walked downstairs. You put your old water bottle in the sink and grabbed a new one and filled it up. You texted seb:

Y/N: hey
Sebby💕:hi 😍
Y/N: I feel so awful rn
Sebby💕: what's wrong?
Y/N/ my nose is stuffed up, I can't stop sneezing and coughing, AND I have a sore throat 😫
Sebby💕: awww it's ok r u coming to school?
Y/N: I guess my mom would kill me if I didn't
Sebby💕: ok ily cya at school
Y/N ily too cya then💕

You trudged back up stairs and picked out a super computer outfit:

You trudged back up stairs and picked out a super computer outfit:

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Then you put your hair in a messy bun and put on light makeup. You got a text from your mom.

Mother😂💕: sorry I left super early to get some stuff done and the university I'm guessing you can get to the bus safely
My other half😘🤪: yah we can
Y/N: ya we'll be fine
Mother😂💕: alright then ily and stay safe!
My other half😘🤪: ok mom
Y/N: alright love you see you tonight
Read by mother😂💕
Read by my other half😘🤪


I felt bad for y/n she sounded like she was really sick when she texted. I got to the bus I felt someone hug me and I looked up.

"Hey baby" I said kissing her on the cheek. "Don't do that you'll get sick" she sniffed. I looked her over. She was wearing a super simple outfit and her hair was a neat mess. Barley any makeup not that she needs it anyways she's gorgeous. She had slight bags under her eyes and she kept sniffing.

"Ok i know I look disgusting no need to stare" she pouted. "I'm not but I hope you feel better soon" the bus pulled up. "Yah me too" Noah pulled me aside. "She was gonna stay home but our mom left early and she didn't want her thinking she skipped." I knew she felt awful and I felt bad too. "Oh ok thanks Noah"

Time skip third period


You felt even worse in this class. Your stomach cramped and hurt.suddenly you tasted throw up in your mouth. You had to get out NOW. You raised your hand. "Um Miss. Higgins? She turned around "what is it?your interrupting my class" she glared "I don't feel good" she huffed "well suck it up" she turned back around.

You saw Sebastian looking at you worried. Suddenly you couldn't hold it anymore. You rushed out of your chair to the trash can and threw up. You could hear kids yelling and screaming. You stopped throwing up then everything went black....


"Miss. Higgins? Can I go to the bathroom" y/n said. "I really don't feel good" but yet miss. Higgins refused to let her go. I shot her a worried look. She glanced at me and turned back round. Then she bolted out of her chair to the trash can. She almost fell to her knees. Then she threw up in the trash can. Kids were screaming and yelling I went to get up but then I could see something was seriously wrong. She started wobbling a little and she looked dizzy. As she was abot to stand up her eyes rolled backend she started falling backwards.

I ran up and caught her. "Y/N, Y/N!!!" I yelled "take her to the nurse Quickly!" Miss. Higgins exclaimed. I picked her up bridal style and brought her to the nurse. The nurse thanked me and quickly got to waking her up.


You woke up with bright lights screaming in your face telling you to shut your eyes where it's nice and dark. You felt something comfy under neath you and snuggled into it. "Is she gonna be ok?" You heard someone say "y'all she will be fine ina week or so" the other person responded. You felt someone grab your hand. You decided to-open your eyes.

"Oh thank god your awake." Seb said. You coughed randomly and seb looked at you worried. You laughed, or at least tried to that is. Instead you kinda sounded like a dying goat. "I'll be fine I'm not gonna die or anything" you said "but you scared me so bad" he said squeezing your hand. The nurse cleared her throat "mr moy can you take her home or do you ride the bus?" She asked. "No I can get her home" the nurse smiled. "Great well here's a note to  your parents saying that you actually are sick and are excused" she handed you and envelope."thank you" you said taking the envelope. She smiled "hope you feel better soon dear" she smiled as you an seb walked out. "Ughhh" You said as soon as you were out "what's wrong?" Seb said "I'm so embarrassed. First I throw up and then I pass out." He laughed "what's so funny?" You asked. "Oh that all you care about is how embarrassed you are and not the fact that you just got sick" "whatever" you said playfully punching him in the arm.

"But real question how are you gonna get me home?" You said "my brother Oliver" he said as if it was obvious. "Oh duh kinda forgot about him." You laughed. "Come on let's go get him I'm sure he will love missing school" you laughed. "Glad I gave him an excuse"

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