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You grabbed Sara's wrists and ran to the cafeteria. "Why are we running" she complained. "Because this is my best friend and brothers big moment" you squealed.

You turned the corner and slowed down. You let go of Sara's wrist and walked in casually like you hadnt been running. Y/N!" Nikki yelled as she ran up to you. She stopped when she saw your Starbucks. "Omg where's mine" she said.

"Right here" Sara said appearing from behind you holding up her Starbucks. "Thanks" Nikki responded and she took her Starbucks. You looked over at your brother who looked hella nervous. You giggled and pulled out your phone.

Y/N💛🥀: do it now
Him🤦🏻‍♀️🙄💛: now?
Y/N💛🥀: yes just gooooo
Him🤦🏻‍♀️🙄💛: fine


I walked over to y/n and kissed her cheek. "Hi" she giggled. "Hey. So does Nikki really like Noah" I whispered to her. "Yah he's gonna ask her out but he's a little scaredy-cat" she giggled and pointed over to her brother who was nervously tapping his foot and fidgeting.

"Nikki come here" y/n said. Nikki ran over. "What you lovebirds"

"Go ask my brother out pls he wants to but look how nervous he is" she said "ok" Nikki said ask she walked over to Noah


I knew Nikki would do it. I pulled out my phone to get ready to take pictures.

Nikki POV:

Why did I agree to ask him out
Maybe I won't ask him out and we can just talk?
Ehhhh I'm so nervous

Noah's POV:

I looked up and say Nikki heading in my direction. I immediately stopped fidgeting and look at her. "Hey" I said staring into her eyes. "Hi" she smiled back at me. I grinned maybe I should just ask her I mean it won't hurt will it?

"Nikki I have something to ask you..." I started. She inches closer to me and said "yes?" I took a deep breath and then blurted it out. "Nikki I love you and will you be my girlfriend?" She looked at me and I immediately regretted my decision. "Yes I will Noah" she said and then she kissed me...


You squealed and started taking pictures on burst. You ran around the getting different angles and stuff. Seb chased you laughing at how happy you were. You spotted Sarah and ran over to her you put your Starbucks down on a random table and danced around with her.

"Jeez sis didn't know you would be that happy" Noah said. You looked over at him and squealed again you ran up to him and Nikki and crushed them in a hug.

"We have to go celebrate guys!" You said "I mean I would but I don't have money. You know broke teens on a mission."


Sorrry this is so short I wanted to publish something after being gone for so long sooooo sorry loves

Falling for seb????????Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora