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You woke up to yourself coughing. It turned from one simple cough to one that didn't sound heathy at all. You tried to slip out of Sebastian's arms so that you wouldn't get him sick, but you failed.

You felt him slowly wake up and felt his arms loosen their grip from your waist. You tried to get up and cough quieter but seb stopped you. He stared at you worried. "Are you ok?" He asked. Cough you simply nodded because you didn't know if you could stop coughing enough to awnser. "I'm gonna go get you water stay here." He commanded throwing the sheets off him and leaving your room.

Your cough started to die down as he came back. He sighed in relief realizing you were feeling better. "Here I got you some water" he said passing the bright yellow glass over to you. You took a sip as your immediately felt your throat being soothed at the touch of the cold water.

"Have you taken any medicine?" He asked sitting down next to you on the bed. "No honestly haven't thought about it" you replied sheepishly. "Do you know if you have any?" He asked. You shrugged in reply.


My heart was still beating fast. She scared me so bad. I ran my hand thru my hair and thought. "Let's go look for some and if we don't find any I'll go to the store and get some" I said. "Ok" she said.

She leaded me into her moms bathroom. We searched everywhere but couldn't find any medicine. Next we searched the main bathroom and couldn't find any. I mean it makes sense the moved in a little more than a week ago I don't expect them to be all the way unpacked. I guess I have to go to the store


"But I don't wanna be left alone" you wined trying to convince seb to let you go with him to the store. He grabbed your face and kissed your forehead. "If you go to the store w/ me then no complaints because we have to walk remember?" You sighed and thought again.

"Fine I won't complain just let me get a water bottle" you said staring in to his eyes. He let go of your face and you walked to the cabinet to find a water bottle. You finally found one and filled it up with the thing on the fridge.

"Ready baby?" Seb said hugging you from behind as you put the lid on the bottle. "Yah" You said "you sure you'll be ok?" He said turning you around to face him. "Yes I'm fine" You replied. "Alright let's go" he said grabbing your hand and guiding you to the door.

Once you got outside the door you close and locked it. Sebastian grabbed your hand and guided you down the street. You talked for a while and then you fell into a peaceful silence with you occasionally coughing or taking a sip from your water.

When you finally arrived you were kinda tired. Seb guides you to the flu and cold section and picked out some medicine. "What else do you want?" He asked. "Oo can you get me some/a {food your craving rn}" you licked you lips just think of it. He laughed at your reaction. "Ok"

Once you got the food/drink you walked up to the register to check out. The old lady smiled at you. "Such a cute couple I see" she said smiling at you. "Thanks"she replied. "$17.82" is your totally sir" she said. Seb handed her a twenty. She glanced at the money before putting it in the register and counting out the change.

"$2.18 is your change have a wonderful day" the lady changed you the bags and you thanked her. You and seb were walking back when you saw some girls up ahead . One of them whispered something and then approached you two.

"Hey cutie" she replied sitting on her hip and twirling her hair. "Why you with this ugly thing don't tell me that's your girlfriend" you glared I mean yah you didn't take much time to look presentable your just walking to a store and PLUS your sick.

"Yes this is my girlfriend and she is not ugly in fact she is prettier than you" the girl stoped twirling her hair and glared at you. "Suuuuure" she drew out she gave you a little shove. "This ugly brat your girlfriend you know I could actually look presentable and please you" she said biting her lip.

"Um no goodbye now" seb grabbed your hand and pushed the girl aside. You were mad. So mad.

Once you got home you stormed up to your room and flopped on your bed. You felt all the energy drain out of you once again. Then seb walked in.

"Baby what's wrong" he said laying next to you. "It's just...nothing" he sighed and made you face him. "I love you not some girl on the side of the street idc if you don't look like what society wants you to look like I love you for you and only you" he kissed you on the lips and smiled.

You couldn't help to kiss him back and give a weak smile. "I love you too" he laughed. "Now stop think about that ugly bitch"

Falling for seb????????Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu