6/27/2015: On YOUR Way

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LOVE YOURSELF. Easy to say right? But to do? Not so. I, like every human who has heart and soul, have down moments. Moments when I don't even see the deem light at the end of the tunnel. I'm human; I fall, I break, I hurt, and I cry. I do mistakes and I regret the chances I don't take. But other than the negativity of being someone, I'm also alive, free, healed, happy and loving. And the truth is: I, like you don't choose who we are. We are born with negativity and positivity, flaws and beauty. As sad as it is that we can't choose who we are, we do have a say on how we see ourselves. We have to love our flaws, deal and live with them as part of the marvelous composition of life, and embrace the beauty that makes us unique. What's the point in not caring about ourselves? About not nourishing ourselves with goodness: health, love and friendship? No one has a clue. Who does? LIFE.

Life itself can tell you what the point of all this is; of living, of learning, of growing up and maturing, of falling and of standing up: alone or not. You choose what the point of all this is. But if you try hard enough, I assure you'll realize it is all to make us a better person; friend, sibling, relative, partner, and human. To be a better citizen of this planet should be your ultimate goal in life. And what a better citizen looks like? You choose, too. It's up to you. Take baby steps at first to slowly build that better you, that love towards you, and once you're ready and are able to see the end of the tunnel at the other side, leap. Everything you've collected on the way there will provide you with what you need on the last step or leap. If you surround yourself with happiness, that's the first baby step into the tunnel. If you provide and reciprocate other's positive vibes, that's the second baby step. If you've locked all the darkness and fear in a cage deep inside you, that's the third baby step. If you are optimistic and can smile, believe in a better situation, that's the fourth baby step. If you feel your STRONG, that's the fifth. If you... LOVE YOURSELF and your unique persona; all your flaws and weak spots, you have arrived!! It's the last step, before the leap. It wasn't that bad you'll find yourself thinking. You now look back and what seemed like an infinite route among darkness, is a simple 10 step way to where you're standing now. Count down; three, two, one.....leap!! Jump from the old you to the new you; from the old and negative life, to the better new one. And what's next now? You wonder. You think about the journey while you contemplate your new life, what's around. You remember the very beginning, where it all started, when you read the first two words of that blog post, and you now understand everything. Two powerful words, twelve letters that made the big difference, which pushed you with force enough so you could leap. That force known as confidence, you found it...

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