6/20/2015: Questioning life...

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It's finally summer, when everything seems possible and believable to the eye. And what better time of the year than summer to relax, reflect and question life. This past few days I found myself realizing how much I'm questioning things right now and I wonder if that is a good thing. I remember reading Animal Farm in English class this year, and the teacher saying that the message that the author was trying to persuade was to question everything - life. And back then I was so full of obligations and expectations, that come as part of the high school-er life, that I couldn't see the point of what the author wanted us to learn. Now I know. Now that I'm free of stress, and that I've made my routine more flexible, I have time to think and wonder. While some questions regarding things and meaning can easily be found in a dictionary or in the internet, there are also the most complex questions of all; the whys of life. And while I'm not a philosopher or nothing of the kind, I do know a few things of my own.

·I know the importance of the now and all of its offerings that come to me as opportunities to change my life.
·I understand that nothing comes without a reason.
·I do not take for granted the life that I was given because I was given it for a reason.
·I acknowledge that I have to shape my dream life with what I got: my body, my time and my heart.
·I know for sure that I can't change my past, but use it as a guide to my future.
·I promise I will always give my everything to who deserves everything and I won't waste my precious time. Because while life is long, it isn't infinite and I've decided to make it count.

I encourage you to join the complexity of life and to challenge yourself to get deep, deep into the questions. Look for a new perspective on things and follow your heart, listen with the heart and learn to ❤ everything you have. Be curious, creative, and always ask life for new whys!

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