8/21/2015: Summer Farewell

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Can we please take a minute to surprisingly look back at how fast summer has gone by?... I remember the last day of school like it was yesterday. I remember how happy I was to think that I had 2 full months to be free and to grow. I remember thinking about the past summers of my life, but I don't recall remembering how fast time can go by, how fast the last day comes. And the realization of the speed of time made me want to stop its course. I don't want things to go by so fast, like this summer did, but unfortunately I don't have a say in that. That's up to destiny to decide and while I refuse to accept it, I must. Time will decide how fast or slow autumns, winters, spring, summers and years will go by. Because I don't have the authority to change time's speed, what else can I do? I wondered for a while. I now know the answer. The only thing I can do about it is live all the moments that times offers me with all my will, my heart, and my energy. I must enjoy every second of time as if it was a precious jewel kept in a buried treasure chest. I must take advantage of what I have left of this summer and not worry about the future and coming school year. That is the answer, simple but hard.

It doesn't matter where I go, nor what becomes of my life, because one thing I know I will always have; my words and this blog. That is everything I need to be able to stick to the moment and to remember all the lessons that we, together, have learned thus far; to endure the present for a better future (Post1); to question life and things (Post2); to work on the moment and don't plan ahead (Post3); to love yourself and be confident (Post4); to embrace what makes you different and chose to improve, not change (Post5); to pick and keep the true friends and let go of the others (Post6); to never let them fool you about the definition of perfect, it is your own (Post7); to make the fraction of who you are count in the world (Post8); to be strong in the search for your self love (Post9); to let go of the past and live the now (Post10); to stop comparing yourself to others, and to think you're enough (Post11); to write your own destiny without rules, just feelings (Post12); to stop hiding your heart and move on onto living, accepting the obstacles (Post13); to learn to risk for true things, true love (Post14); to stand up against fear and pain and to accept the hard times that will always come along the way (Post15); to believe and wonder about dreams and everything that's essential but hard to see (Post16); to experiment and try new things and strategies (Post17); to move on from the past but to cherish it, too (Post18); to believe that everything that makes you different and unique is also what makes you beautiful (Post 19)... And from this post (Post20) we can learn that we must live to the fullest and don't let time eat our life because it's meant to be enjoyed.

Before we part company, I want you to know that it is not over, it is not gone forever. This blog will always be here and within our hearts. I want you to have this blog in mind as an encyclopedia of life, to which you can go back and learn a little more each time. I want you to learn from the little details, because sometimes it is where the deepest messages are. Thanks to you I have grown as a writer and now I know what my purpose is: to encourage others to live life fully. Whenever I have opportunities to write, whenever I'm able to find a hole in my busy schedule and time, I promise you, with all of my heart, that I will do what I do best once again, writing. I will thank my life for giving me this gift, and always, but always, improve the world around me, With All Of My Life.

Night is now falling,
So ends this day,
The road is now calling,
And I must away.

Over hill, and under tree,
Through lands where never light has shone,
By silver streams that run down to the sea.

To these memories I will hold,
With your blessing I will go,
To turn at last to paths that lead home.

And though where the road then takes me,
I cannot tell,
We came all this way,
But now comes the day,
To bid you farewell.

I bid you all a very fond farewell.

Lyrics from: TheLast Goodbye, Billy Boyd (The Hobbit).    

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