Lets sort somethings out

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Hey guys, I'm making a new story (I'm still continuing the old one too) and I hope you enjoy it. I'm not good at beginnings, but once I get moving the better it gets. Well, I hope you like it and apologies for my grammar mistakes. -OA

I see the pigskin flying through the air. I block the running back and run towards the ball. My hands open, waiting to feel the ball in my hands. The feeling never comes. I turn to see a giant, 200 pound man running towards me at full speed. My mind doesn't process it until it's to late. All of the sudden I'm weightless and can't feel the ground underneath me. Then I feel the sickening crunch as my back hits the fake grass. I feel like I'm being dragged across the ground as my momentum launches me forward. I flip over and my shoulder hits the ground with a solid thud. That's not the worst part. My helmet goes soaring through the air and it's so quite, I can hear it land. I see my helmet on the ground and know it's too late.

You're probably confused so maybe I should start from the beginning, no not like all the way to THE beginning like how the earth was created no I mean something way worse, something that beats you down, that's brutal and painful, something that makes you rethink if you really are important, I'm talking about my first day in collage.

I know this isn't the best, but the more you read the better it gets, so please keep reading. I kinda based this story on my life, kinda. I'm a girl an I'm about to try out for football. Of course this isn't real but oh well. Thanks, and have a great day.

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