Practice eat sleep

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I hear the snap of the ball, and rush foreword. I'm met with the Inside Receiver and I push all my weight into him. We struggle, until we hear the whistle and stop. We run back to our position ready for another go. The whistle screeches again, and I rush forward. This time he barrels straight at me. I can't beat that, it's like trying to stop a bull. I panic and move out of the way. But as I did so, my back foot gets caught in a clump of grass, making my foot stick out. He can't stop, and he goes flying over me. I hear a grunt and see him on the ground. I see all the guys looking at me. It takes me a few moments for me to realize what it must've looked like. I flipped over a 190 pound man over, easily. I see the inside stand up and realizes it's Derik. His face holds a look of pure hatred and my stomach flips, knowing this isn't going to end well. Derik jogs back to his position, and squats down. I hear the snap and run forward. I smash into him and I try to move forward. I hear the whistle and stop, but Derik keeps going. I smash into the ground and try to blink the turf out of my eyes. Above me I see Derik about to do a WWE move. I close my eyes, waiting for impact. I don't feel it come and open my eyes. I see Logan pushing Derik to the ground, holding him down. The Coach blows the whistle 2 times and we all stand in attention and shout Dub ( depend upon brother ). I slowly stand up, my back bruised. Logan releases Derik, and he pulls his helmet off.

"What were you, thinking?" The coach asks, deadly calm.

You should be afraid when the coach yells, but when he's calm, be very afraid. The next few minutes is a blur. Derik has to run laps every day and is suspended from games. Logan ushers me to the nurse, even though I'm fine. After the nurse, I take my gear off, and rush back to my room. The next few days are normal. I finally get into the swing of things, classes, football, homework. That's my life. I wake up early on Saturday, throw on a light jacket, and head to the track. I put earbuds in my ears, and shove my phone in my jacket. I quietly walk along the track, taking in my surroundings. Next game was going to be here. A home game. I inhale, breathing in the fresh air, the cold wind stinging at my face. I push my hands into my pockets. I see the huge wildcats head in the middle of the field. There's workers who are picking up trash, scrubbing the skyboxes, making them shine in the glow of the orange sun. I look across and see the scoreboard, the workers sliding bin new posters from sponsors. I close my eyes and imagine the game. I hear the roar of the crowd, the thumping of shoes on the hallow bleachers, the pounding in the players hearts, the clanking of pads and helmets, in sync. I walk onto the field and can feel the nerves coursing through my body. The beating of my heart, louder than a drum. I smell the excitement. I'm quickly woken out of my day dream when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I spin around expecting to find Erik, but instead met with Logan. He's wearing shorts and a hoodie, the black earbuds hanging out of the sweatshirt. His blond hair is ruffled, but he can actually pull of the "I just woke up" look. I pause my music and take my earbuds out.

"I'm sorry but you were kind if stumbling around with your eyes closed. I didn't know if you were drunk or something." He asked, eyes glinting. I blush and brush back some of my hair that escaped the ponytail.

"Uhm. Sorry no, I was just taking in my surroundings, can't wait for the first home game." I say and he looks less confused.

"Oh ok then. Sorry to disturb you." He starts walking away.

"Logan, isn't?" I ask, even though I knew. He spins around and walks back towards me.

"Yeah, how do you know?" He asks, his brows knit together.

"We have English, science, and history together." I say. I just now noticed that.

"I never saw you."

"I sit at the side if the class. I'm really quite." I say. Logan blushes, probably embarrassed not noticing me.

"Sorry, I didn't see you or...." He mumbles out an apology.

"It's fine, I don't talk much." I say, pulling my jacket down. We stand in awkward silence until Logan speaks.

"So, you're coming to the game." He asks.

"Yeah." I rock back in forth on my feet. He shoves his hands into his hoodie pockets.

"You play football?" I ask him.

"Yeah, actually, First-string."

"That's good, that's good." i say.

"Well, I'll see you in class Monday." I say and are about to jog of when he shouts to me.

"I didn't catch your name."

I smile" Jess. Jess Arthur." I call out. He nods his head.

"Do you want to go to The Wok with me tomorrow?" He ask timid. I stifle a laugh. Here's a guy that can tackle a 260 pound beast and is afraid to ask me out. I just got asked out! O My Gosh! Keep it cool. I whip around and my ponytail whacks me in the face.

"Yeah, I would love that. What time?" I ask.

"7:00pm? If that's ok with you." He mumbles.

"It's perfect. See you then."

My voice drops and I jog out if the stadium. I skip to my dorm and see that Kaitlin's awake and is scrolling through channels.

"Well?" Kaitlin ask, sliding her legs under her. I hang my jacket on the doorknob and plop my phone on the dark stained coffee table. I sit on the couch and flip my hair over, making a messy bun.

"I ran on the track today." I say, as Kaitlin flips through more channels.

"Ok, what else." She says in a tired voice.

"Well I saw Logan, he's in our first period class, football player, tall, blonde. Well, he came out on the field to practice, I think," I hop off the couch and grab a cup.

"We started talking, I asked about the game next Friday." I grab ice and they clank as they hit the glass side.

"He asked me out, and we're going on a date tomorrow, at the Wok." I finish and fill my cup with water. I hear the drop of the remote and shuffling. I turn around and walk back to the living room. Kaitlin, now wide awake, looks at me with surprise and excitement.

"What?" She says.

"Logan asked me out on a date." I say. I'm not cocky but this is the first date in a long time like almost 16 years. I'm a quite person, unless I know you. Kaitlin starts jumping up and down kidding off ideas of a spa night. I calm her down and we decide to go to the media room to watch a movie. We settle on "the Little Vampire". I snuggle deeper in my many layers of blankets, resting, probably for the first time in a long time.

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