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Ladybug swung down next to Chat Noir, who had been waiting for her while she dealt with the press, covering the latest attack on their city. The teen's pigtails were slightly mussed and her face was still a bit red from the akuma fight earlier., though to Chat she looked as beautiful as ever, though he kept his mouth dutifully shut. She tossed her head to the side as she stuck her arm out, hand balled into a fist, towards her partner.

"Pound it!"

Chat Noir put a grin on his face as he turned towards Ladybug.

"You've done it again, my lady," the black cat remarked, while bumping her fist with his.

"Chat, I think you mean we've done it again," she smiled right back at him. And what a smile it was. Her eyes bright and her teeth shining. Chat was captivated. No matter what she said, he knew it was only thanks to her that they remained successful in protecting Paris from Hawkmoth's monsters. He could feel his face flushing beneath his mask as he stared at the face of his companion.

Lately, the attacks had been getting worse, but today, thanks to his partner's ingenuity and strength, the akuma had been defeated fairly quickly, the battle only lasting about an hour. Usually the fights lasted 3-4 hours, each leaving the heroes exhausted and weak, barely making it home before their transformation ran out. Right now, however, Chat felt like he could patrol the whole of the city and still feel energized.

Before he could suggest they spend the rest of the day doing just that, Ladybug's smile wanes, until only a shadow of it remains. Chat's happy mood pales with it and he wishes to bring it back.

"That was a good fight back there, you did really well. I was surprised you were able to pull that move off!" Ladybug quipped, referencing a spin-kick he had hit the akuma, Isolator, with. Though he was extremely glad she noticed, Chat wished she didn't sound like an adult praising a child.

"Though, you did take a nasty punch to the arm. Are you alright? That looked like it hurt." She looked up at him, genuine concern flashing through her eyes. Chat beamed at her, unbelievably happy she was worried about him, happy she cared. It seemed, these days, that she was the only one who did.

Chat quickly moved his arm behind his back, hiding the way it had been bent at the elbow.

"Oh, I'm fine. Don't you worry about me, Ladybug. By tomorrow, I should be fit as a fiddle! I can barely feel it anymore, already!" A lie, as his arm still very much ached, but worth it as he saw relief soften her face. He would never stress Ladybug out about him. No, she had more important things to think about. He wouldn't worry her with his problems. That was not what a good partner would do. So Chat stayed quiet about his discomfort for his lady's sake. Chat opened his mouth to talk with her more, but froze when Ladybug looked across the street at a clock, which proudly displayed the time, 5:12 p.m..

"I've got to go, Chat, but I'll see you tomorrow?" She looks at him, no question in her eyes. She knows Chat would follow her lead with an devoted smile. She knows he would do anything for her.

Chat tries to hide his disappointment, and grins even wider.

"Of course, my lady, I wish you a fine evening," Chat announced, bending down into a dramatic bow, winking in her direction. He waved an arm, adding a little flourish to his show.

Ladybug giggles at his antics, and Chat is so happy to have been able to bring her infectious smile back. So happy that he makes her happy.

"I'll see you later, Chaton." She sings as she turns away, readying her yoyo to carry her through the streets of Paris to wherever she lived. Chat had been watching for weeks and still couldn't pinpoint exactly which direction she went. She must change her route for that specific reason. The thought makes Chat internally devastated. He wished his lady trusted him more, as he trusted her. But she would always say that their identities were their most valuable possessions.

Chat stays and watches for a good 10 minutes, daydreaming about her. Picturing her. Her familiar face always prominent in his mind. Soon, though, Chat realizes he should probably get going. People might start asking the hero if he needed directions or asking if something was wrong. He decides he should head back to his house.

With a sigh, Chat realizes he should probably use his extra free time catching up on homework assignments One of the few cons of being a superhero was that his schoolwork was being neglected and homework ignored. Chat had to bring up his grades before a report card was sent home to his father, who would certainly reprimand him on his sloppiness.

His head now full of worrying thoughts about his father, the young man set off, through the city, swinging his way home.


As Adrien finished up the last of his assignments 3 hours later, his thoughts strayed back to Ladybug. Plagg, I wonder what Ladybug is doing right now," the boy sighed, calling to his kwami, who was busy stuffing his face with cheese in the mini fridge Adrien kept in his room.

"Not thinking about you that's for sure. Now focus and finish your homework. You don't want to fail math again do you?" the creature grunted as he continued to dig through the fridge, probably hoping for some milk to drain too, as that was Plagg's preferred beverage.

"I already finished," Adrien sniffed, "You have no faith in me, Plagg." The blond set all of his books aside, clearing away his desk. "And she might be thinking about me, you don't know." The kwami gave Adrien a skeptical look. No matter. Adrien had faith that his Lady thought of him. He had faith in their bond. That was what Plagg had never understood. He and Ladybug were soulmates. they were meant to be together, destined even. They were in love, at least, Adrien was almost certain they were. He flirted with her relentlessly and she never rejected him, well, outright, which was understandable considering that they had to maintain a façade of professionalism. And days like today when she truly admitted she cared, when she asked about his arm, proved that. Adrien's attention returned to his arm briefly, his injury forgotten, buried by homework and thoughts of true love. For true love was what it was. Adrien had never been more sure.

Right... His arm. Adrien kept getting distracted. It still hurt like hell. He should probably have Nathalie take a look at it later.

After debating about whether to brush up on his piano skills before Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's father, arrived home and tested him, Adrien's injury and need to know more about Ladybug made up his mind. He turned on his computer and searched for the ladyblog, that Ayla, one of his classmates had made. The blog dedicated to Ladybug and Chat Noir was becoming very popular. Though it could be annoying trying to hide their secrets from the avid and thrill-seeking reporter. It was one of the main reasons that he and Ladybug weren't officially together. The press would become too much and might get in the way of a fight, trying to get a shot of the celebrity couple or would insist on them doing interviews and such. It would be very inconvenient, so he and Ladybug were forced to hide their true love for another, at least that was the reason Adrien had decided upon.

So they were forced to restrain themselves near each other, each longing to hold the other. Adrien ached to make his lady truly his. Only the knowledge that she loved him back kept him satisfied. At least he had that comfort.

Hours later, after reading, watching, and seeing everything he could find featuring Ladybug, Adrien fell asleep at his desk. A lovesick smile upon his face. Arm back to being forgotten.

The small cat-like creature know as Plagg, watched from the corner through concerned eyes. He didn't was to see his chosen hurt, but he know Adrien's relationship with Ladybug was not what he thought it was. The boy wouldn't listen though, so all the kwami could do was sleep and hope Adrien didn't act. But Plagg knew time was running out.

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