Chapter 15

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Chat's Perspective:

"Do... Do I know you?"

Rena, Alya, was staring at him, a strange look in her eyes.

Ladybug's head instantly snapped up at the question, her eyes first flicking to Chat (where they seemed to stay uncomfortably long) then switched back and forth between him and Rena, a look of disbelief in her eyes.

It took Chat a second to process what Rena had actually said, every word piecing together to form a sentence.

Does... Does she- does she know me?

His smile was instantly wiped from his face and he grew still. She wasn't supposed to say that.

"... Rena."

Her eyes bore holes through his.

He gulped.


She had no way of knowing. Right?

This was not supposed to happen.

He tried to smirk again, diffusing the intensity of the moment. Time to see how Adrien Agreste's acting skills were. He pretended to look her up and down and study her face...

Which was scary and not helping.

"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about..." Bad move. Chat cringed inwardly. Rena narrowed her eyes.

"I could've sworn you reminded me of someone I know. I don't know who-" (oh, thank god), "- but I've got this weird feeling." Her eyes were unwavering. Chat cleared his throat. He didn't have the patience for this.

"Okay, that's great and all, but... You're wearing a mask. I don't know how you think you recognize me, but without seeing your face, I couldn't possibly recognize you.

"And I'm almost positive I don't know you."


Rena seemed speechless for a second.

Was it working?

"I really don't think you know me," Chat said. Please let this go, Alya.

Rena broke their eye contact and looked him up and down again.

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