Chapter 14

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Alya's perspective:

Alya ran through the halls, searching for a place to hide so she could transform. Marinette had been with her when they had left the classroom, but she was gone now, thank god. Alya didn't know how she could've transformed with her friend trying to follow her.

Alya slowed and turned a corner, spying the bathrooms. Relieved to find a place that nobody would see her transform, she sprinted inside and locked herself into a stall. She ducked down to the floor, looking for feet. Once Alya was sure she was alone, she sighed and held open the front pocket of her plaid shirt to let Trixx out. She slumped against the door.

"Oh, Trixx," Alya whispered. "We have to transform. There's an akuma!" She grabbed at her neck, pulling her miraculous out from underneath her shirt.

"Well then? What are we waiting for?" Trixx's face twisted into a grin, much to Alya's surprise. "It's been hundreds of years since I've had a good fight!" Alya just stared at him, stunned at how enthusiastic he was. She started stroking her necklace

"Trixx, I've never fought anyone before! 'Specially not some super villain type with powers. I've only been Rena Rouge for what? Less than two days?"

Trixx shook his head at Alya. "It would seem that you're forgetting that you have powers too! And that Chat and Ladybug will be there, probably expecting you to at least make an appearance. And why should you be scared? The way you tell it, you've been chasing after these "villains" for years, eager to get some action. Typical humans to want something until they have it."

Alya hung her head, ashamed at Trixx's grumbling. He was right. This was what she had wanted for years. Hadn't she told Ladybug just last night that she would do whatever it took to protect Paris. Her exact words were, "I will be here whenever you need me. I am prepared to protect my city." How could Alya hesitate now when Ladybug had granted her such a huge honor, the chance to become a superhero. Alya shook her head, trying to reorganize her thoughts.

"...Okay. Le-let's do it," Alya gulped. "Trixx... Let's pounce." Her kwami smiled as he was sucked into her necklace.

An orange light instantly seemed to pour out of Alya's miraculous, much like it had last night. It weaved around, forming tendrils of light. They stretched out from her neck all in separate directions. Then the nine ribbons began to twist, wrapping around her neck, arms, stomach. The light spread until Alya was blinded by it reaching over her eyes. She couldn't see anymore, but she could feel the light giving her energy, could feel it relinquishing its power over to Alya. Alya could feel Trixx's spirit molding into her mind.

She felt the transformation alter her body. She felt her clothes being stripped away and being replaced by her alter ego, Rena Rouge's, outfit. Her concerns had mostly, mostly, been swept away by the shift.

When Alya opened her eyes, she wasn't Alya anymore. She was Rena Rouge. Her mask, tail, and flute confirmed that. Rena's ears turned around on her head, detecting any nearby sound. Content when she couldn't find any within close vicinity, she slowly opened the door, peeking out.

Leaving the school undetected proved to be easier than Rena thought it would be. It was the middle of class and most Parisians were used to the attacks by now. Though it had been a few years since the first, there were still some that panicked each time. It was kind of crazy considering that nowadays akumas attack at least once a week, but Rena learned long ago that people love to be dramatic. Of course there were also the thrill-seekers, like Rena used to be. Usually some would be running around. Rena knew that they would get underfoot in the fighting, but she couldn't be too mad considering she used to be just as bad. She was also happy to have the excuse of "reporting" covering her absence.

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