Chapter 12

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Ladybug's perspective:

Ladybug was really enjoying herself. The patrol was going great. They had stopped to stop one mugging and Rena had been thrilled. And the two had gotten to talk so much more about the job, about living a double-life, e.t.c...

The sun had gone down around half an hour ago. Ladybug had been sure to make note of it, her habit of looking out for Chat was practically routine now. The sun would go down and Chat would wake up. But seeing that Ladybug was with Rena Rouge right now, not her usual Chat Noir, that wouldn't really be much help. The only thing that Ladybug could do was hope he went home.

I mean, Ladybug thought, the day is winding down. Shouldn't I just go check to see what's going on with him? Ladybug turned towards her friend.

"Hey, you know it's getting pretty late. How about we head in and see what's up at the meeting spot?"

Rena nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good."

So the girls stopped where they were and Ladybug lead the way back to the roof. They were there quickly because of their superpowers, and Ladybug was used to that, but Rena was still giddy over everything. She breathed hard and ran a hand through her hair.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that," Rena sighed.

"Used to what?" Ladybug asked.

"Powers, secret identities, this."


"Your life! How do you and Chat do it? I've only been here a day and I'm overwhelmed. You and Chat have been doing this for years."

Ladybug laughed. "You'll get the hang of it eventually. Like I did, and Chat. We didn't start off knowing how to do everything. We learned it as we went along. You have it better than we did. You have teachers. So trust me, you'll be fine."

Rena still looked unconvinced

"Like you said, you've only been here a day. Practice really does make perfect, Rena. And I'm sure you'll be perfect."

"Thank you... I needed that." Rena smiled.

"Sure thing." Ladybug smiled at her while she looked around the roof. Everything seemed the same. The only thing that Ladybug was worried about, though, was Chat.

She half-mumbled to herself, "I hope he'll get here soon." Her partner apparently wasn't back yet. Ladybug sighed.

"If the 'he' you are referring to is Chat, though I don't know who else it would be, I don't think you should worry." Rena called from behind her. Apparently Ladybug hadn't been that quiet. And apparently she hadn't noticed something either. She spun around to face Rena, confused. The heroine was holding a piece of paper out to Ladybug to see. There was writing on it. Ladybug reached out for it and brought it close to her face, but the growing darkness made it hard for her to read. She held it back out to Rena Rouge, shaking her head.

"Can't read it. Too dark. You must have enhanced vision at night like Chat does to be able to read it," Ladybug mused. Rena Rouge's eyes widened as she took back the letter. She grinned.

"That's so cool..." she said, unfolding the paper to read again. Rena coughed to clear her throat and began to read aloud for Ladybug. "To Ladybug, I'm sorry that I can't meet with you again tonight. I finished my patrol early and decided to go home and get some sleep, like you always seem to want me to do. I know today is a pretty awful day to be taking that advice though, since it is Rena's first day and all, but I really needed it. Hopefully you won't need me, though I doubt you will. Also, I wanted to tell you that what you said the other night was completely right. I agree with you that we need to put our productivity first and I believe that we will be putting Paris first. So just know that if you would allow, I would gladly pretend it never happened. Oh, and tell Rena Rouge good luck for me and hopefully I'll see you next at our next patrol. Again, my apologies. From Chat." Rena Rouge looked up at Ladybug. "That explains his absence, I guess, but... what was he talking about." She stared at her. "What happened the other night?"

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