Chapter 5

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Ladybug ran along the city's rooftops, the sun bright behind her. Her feet thudding down on the tiles. Parisians below were familiar with the sound. Ladybug bent her knees down and then sprang onto the next building, moving across it with similar speed. She moved from building to building, house to house, until she finally reached her destination. Ladybug's feet skidded as she stopped suddenly, slowing to a pace closer to jogging. Ladybug strided towards the edge of the roof she was on and leaned down, sitting on the gutter. Her feet slid over the side and hung, swinging, for a moment. Ladybug reached her arms down, latching on the rod sticking off the side of the building. With her feet, she pushed herself off until she was dangling and swung her body forwards toward the lower platform.

Ladybug walked on the flat roof, leaning on the tall, lamp-like lantern that stood in the middle. She looked around, waiting for Chat Noir to show up at their meeting spot.

He usually wasn't late, more commonly arriving early, so Ladybug was a bit off-put. Ladybug was expecting him to be here already, especially considering that she, herself, was late. She hoped he hadn't gotten himself in trouble or worked his way into a mess or anything of the sort. Ladybug knew she was getting worried over nothing, he was only a few minutes late. He was allowed to be late once in a while, but she was worried for him. Recently, he had been patrolling much more often and Ladybug had noticed during akuma fights that he seemed a bit tired or off. He tried not to show it, probably for her sake, but Ladybug noticed the change regardless. After the akuma, Howler, attacked a few months ago, Chat seemed more paranoid and driven.

Ladybug heard a small rustle behind her, and spun around, hand moving to her yoyo, ready to attack. After a moment, she muttered, "speak of the devil," as she faced Chat Noir, who had cheaply, tried to sneak up behind her and scare her. The hero tilted his head in confusion, but Ladybug waved him off, turning back towards her view of Paris. Guess she was the paranoid one...

"So... Did i scare you bugaboo?" Chat asked as he waggled his fingers in her face. Ladybug scoffed and rolled her eyes. He had startled her a little, Ladybug admitted to herself, not that she would ever tell him. Now cross with him, she snapped at Chat.

"Chat, we have no time for silly pranks. You're late and we have to patrol," Ladybug sniffed. Chat's eyes widened and he stepped back. Maybe she shouldn't have been so blunt After all, she was late too. But Ladybug didn't take it back. What was said was said and what needed to get done would get done.

"I- I'm sorry, Ladybug. I got caught up doing homework and lost track of the time. It won't happen again..." Chat mewed ashamed. He reached up and scratched his ear. As fast as Ladybug's anger had arrived, it fizzled out. She sighed.

"Just nevermi- it's fine, Chat. It was only once. Don't feel badly." Chat's ears perked up.

"Thanks," Chat mumbled sheepishly.

"Let's start patrolling," Ladybug declared, Without waiting for Chat's reaction, she ran up to the edge of their roof and vaulted upwards, landing on the roof nextdoor. She was about to turn back when a thud sounded next to her. Ladybug smiled and took off, sprinting above the streets of Paris, her partner right behind.

Watching the streets blur beneath them, Ladybug felt a wave of calm seep its way through her, loosening her joints and and mussing her hair. She was ready for anything or anyone Hawkmoth could send her way and the knowledge made her giddy.


An hour later, the sky began to darken and the lights of Paris suddenly flickered on as the city transformed into the beautiful and dreamy realm that was the Parisian night. The Eiffel Tower stood tall in the distance, gleaming bright and overlooking the city. As the night got darker, it became harder and harder to notice the flashes of red and black moving across the roofs. Just as it was becoming harder for the civilians to see them, it was harder for the heroes to see the world as well.

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