Chapter 7

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Marinette's perspective:

Marinette ran up the steps to her school, out of breath and clutching her school bag to her chest. She was late and had practically sprinted the whole way there, granted it was only a few blocks and she should have way more stamina based off of all the akuma fights she had fought as Ladybug. Still... she was going to be late and Marinette couldn't afford to get another tardy slip. Taking the inside flight of stairs by three and basically flying through the corridor, Marinette's feet planted right outside her homeroom door. The girl took a moment to make sure he hair was fine and that nothing had fallen out of her bag. Once she was satisfied, she wedged open the door and stepped inside.

Instantly, the buzz of conversation filled Marinette's ears. Nino and Alya were chatting from their seats. Alix, Kim, and Max were talking in the back. Chloe was gossiping in the front with Sabrina. Using her classmates words as a distraction (both for herself and others), Marinette made her way to her seat, where she set her bag down, and plopped into the seat. She closed her eyes. Alya and Nino's conversation grew quiet for a couple of seconds, Marinette assumed Alya was trying to greet her, then resumed as the bluenette refused to acknowledge her friend's welcome. Marinette had too much on her mind to worry about that.

The final bell rang and all of Marinette's classmates went to their desks, sitting down. Their teacher, Ms. Bustier, got up from her seat in the corner, Marinette hadn't noticed her before.

"Guys, quiet down, quiet down. Class is starting," Ms. Bustier commanded, waving a pen through the air. "I'm gonna need to take attendance, so just say 'here' when I call your name. Alix?"


Marinette tuned out.



A flashback from the previous night popped up at the front of Marinette's brain, dominating over anything else. The memory of last night, of Chat's declaration of love... of Ladybug's blunt rejection.



Marinette just didn't understand why Chat thought what he did. Did she accidently lead him on? Did she drop hints or tell flirty jokes?


"Yea- Here."



Last night was so weird and so dark that Marinette didn't want to trust herself to remember everything. Maybe she was making this up? ...No, she was sure it had happened.





No matter the details of last night, what Marinette knew was that she had rejected Chat Noir. Rejected her best friend. Marinette felt so bad about that, but knew deep down there was nothing else she could have done. She didn't like Chat... at least, not like that.






"I'm here."

A big part of Marinette wanted to find Chat, wanted to comfort him, saying that she understood now. Saying that she did love him. Marinette wished she did, but that's not how love works. If only she could choose who she loved... Marinette would put Chat above everyone else.

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