Chapter 19

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Adrien's perspective:

Adrien rolled over in bed, phone in hand.

10 p.m....

What was he supposed to do with himself?


Adrien hadn't been sleeping well and his body was growing used to it. So he wouldn't be able to fall asleep for at least three hours... And he really didn't want to spend his time thinking about Alya. Or anyone.


He actually wanted to sleep, for the first time in, what? Months? And now he couldn't. Damn it.

Adrien was just so exhausted by his head. Alya this, Hawkmoth that.'

And Ladybug...

He shook his head.

Stop thinking about her! The sooner you relax, the sooner (maybe) you'll be able to fall asleep and the more energy you'll have when you actually get to see her.

That's how sleep worked, right?

You relaxed and your body just naturally shut itself down...?


He kind of understood why he'd never liked sleeping all that much before. He didn't like to relax. Not even that, he just didn't like to let go of his thoughts. Adrien could lie still in his bed for hours, just thinking.

But, damn it, not tonight. Tonight he wanted to sleep.


Ugh... this was so boring. So uneventful. It was a thousand times better to wait until you drop down, exhausted. Better to keep yourself busy. Because this waiting to fall asleep... It was so... useless.

He wanted to be out there finding Ladybug right now.

But the best, and maybe only, way that he was going to do that was by getting sleep. Last time, he failed. He wasn't as alert and aware as he should've been. Adrien knew that. Sleep was supposed to fix that, wasn't it?

Adrien checked his phone again. 10:05. He wasn't even sure bodies could fall asleep this early... All the highschoolers he knew stayed up to midnight regularly... That might just be a lifestyle choice though... Like him.

No wait! He was pretty sure that Marinette went to bed pretty early. She seemed like the type... Then again, he didn't really know.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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