Chapter 6

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Chat Noir's perspective:

Ladybug's was staring at him. Her blue eyes shone like beacons as the world around him faded to dull grey spots. A miniscule ringing in his ears dampened his hearing. His arms froze at his sides and Chat struggled to stay upright, the effort of comprehension fatiguing his body.

Chat began to shake his head, forcing the dizziness away. Even after the spots had faded and the ringing had disappeared, he kept his head rattling, too long and probably too harshly. His hands reanimated and gripped at his hair, pulling at it as Chat tried to make himself understand.

But Ladybug kept talking, adding on to the long queue of things to think about.

"Chat... I- I don't know why-" Ladybug was cut off as Chat whimpered, begging her to stop messing with him. He closed his eyes. Why couldn't she just say that she loved him. Why, why, why did she have to push him away. He reached for his ears, planning to block out any sound, but was too late as he heard what she said next.

"I like someone else, Chat!" Ladybug blurted out, desperate to make him understand why he was being absurd. Her voice was unwavering and brash. Chat had not expected to hear that. He started and wrenched his hands back down to his sides. His eyebrows shot up.

"Wha- What?" Chat sputtered. That couldn't be true. Ladybug had never mentioned someone else before. She clasped her hands together and started swinging them back and forth in a suddenly nervous sort of manner.

"Uum- well, Chat. I can't possibly love you because... I like-I love someone else." Ladybug seemed less sure of her words, or at least less sure of how Chat would react, as she finished her sentence. She loves... someone else? That didn't make sense. How could Ladybug love someone else when she was supposed to love him? Thinking Chat wanted more of an explanation, Ladybug continued.

"He's kind and sweet and one of the most handsome boys I've ever met. He is thoughtful, respectful, and generous! Oh Chat, if only you knew him, I'm sure you would like him too!" Ladybug gushed. With every word, Chat could feel a tiny hammer beating against his heart, chiseling and chipping away as if expecting there to be some hidden treasure on the inside.

The sudden emptiness left Chat dumbfounded and he froze. The abstract hammer kept pounding on his chest until it hurt. Until he was just staring in shock at his partner, watching as she raved on and on about her mystery crush.

"And he's just so amazing and I get really nervous around him and-" Ladybug's ramble halted as the heroine's eyes met her partners. Chat stared at her through the darkness, his eyes standing out from the black he was wearing. He could feel that his eyes were wet and could only imagine how red they were.

"Oh Chat..." Ladybug whispered sadly. She walked up to him and put her hands on his face, wiping away his tears. "Oh Kitty, I'm so sorry."

Chat turned away from Ladybug, jerking his body. Breathing heavily, he walked to the edge of the building. He reached for the baton strapped to his back and extended it till it touched the street below. He waited silently, not wanting to leave, but definitely not wanting to stay either. It was only when Ladybug spoke up again that his body reacted.

"Chat... It's okay! We can move past this." Chat heard the hopefulness in her voice, but felt his heart sink even farther. Move past this? Is that really what she wanted to do- forget that this ever happened? Chat reached up with his glove and messily swiped it across his face, clearing away the wetness streaking down his face. He certainly wasn't going to forget. Chat Noir made a decision, squared his feet, and gripped his baton.

In Love, AlwaysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang