Chapter 2

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Ladybug's P.O.V.

"We never really get a break, do we?" Ladybug mused to Chat as she landed on the roof. Ladybug settled herself next to her partner. His hair was messier than usual, probably because of the wind, and his cheeks were turning pink. His green eyes turned towards her, brightening.

"Guess not," Chat replied, a small smirk appearing beneath his mask. His hands were fidgeting nervously in his lap. He must be anxious for the fight, Ladybug figured.

"Since you've found yourself this nice vantage spot, have you seen anything that might help us with the akuma?" Ladybug asked Chat. Looking somewhat ashamed, he answered.

"Sorry, I didn't. I only saw what he looked like," Chat began. "This guy was huge. Tall and muscular. He was dressed like a dog... though he was all gray, so I guess that makes him a wolf," he mumbled. "He had a tail and everything! -OH and he called himself the Howler." The boy looked up at his bug, eyes hopeful. Chat had always been eager for praise. Ladybug just figured that he didn't get much in his civilian life. The thought made her sad. She only wanted the best for her best friend.

Ladybug was silent for a second.

"An animal akuma. Hmmm," she thought out loud. "He could have similar powers to Animan, or maybe Mr. Pidgeon?" Ladybug referenced the other animal akumas they had fought before. "Maybe he can control dogs and wolves? That would be good for us, there aren't many dogs living in the heart of the city. Too many buildings, not enough yards." Ladybug chuckled. Chat started to laugh along with her, somewhat forcefully and a bit too much.

"Since we don't know much, our only option is to get a closer look," She stated, beginning to stand up. She reached back down for her companion's hand and pulled him up beside her.

"Whatever you say, Ladybug!"


The pair swung through the city, watching for any signs of Howler. They finally found him after a while, standing in the middle of a street, seemingly looking for them as well, as he turned towards them and growled, his eyes glowing.

Ladybug landed fifty feet away from the villain, Chat following her lead. They exchanged nods and faced Howler, ready to attack.

Howler grins at them, showing his teeth. "Well, well, well I've been waiting for you two! You're getting slow!" Howler barked, his ears flicking back and forth. "Hawkmoth said you would be hard to defeat." The beast of a man tilted his head to the side. "Yet, somehow, I doubt that."

Chat spoke up from Ladybug's side, "You couldn't beat us! You're just a scared little puppy!"

"For a long time, people have been abusing dogs or forcing them to live in pounds. Dogs are not meant to be domestic. We are meant to be free!" Howler growled, "Today, you will be the ones defeated! Today, you will be the ones captured!"

"Did he just call himself a dog?" Chat Noir whispered to his partner. Ladybug giggled.

Despite how quiet Chat had been, Howler's big wolf ears had picked up on his remark and he bared his teeth at the cat. "I will make you pay, kitten!"

Surprisingly, he was the one to charge first. Most akumas were too scared or knew how powerful Ladybug and Chat Noir were, and avoided direct combat, but this one was different.

He started to sprint at the duo hands reached out, ready to gouge his opponents' eyes out. The man was a terrifying sight, but Ladybug knew she and Chat had faced much worse. She repositioned into a more defensive stance and waited until Howler was upon them.

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