Chapter 11

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Chat Noir's perspective:

Chat knew he wasn't on time... again. He hoped that Ladybug hadn't noticed. Though, it was impressive that he even was going to show up, knowing that he almost couldn't leave his house in the first place. He had spent nearly half an hour sitting by his window, trying to work up the courage to move. To face his fears. Chat had actually planned to be super early... but this would have to do.

As he approached their meeting spot, Chat took a second to relax. He didn't think he was overly worked up, but it was best to stay safe. He didn't want to scare Ladybug off or worry her about what happened last patrol. He decided that he would act as naturally as possible. For now, he would play along with Ladybug's seeming wish to stay apart and act professional. It won't be for that long, Chat told himself. Not if I can do my job well.

Chat reached the street, staying out of sight. Now, he could see the rooftop. Chat couldn't see Ladybug yet, but she was probably on the other side. Maybe, Chat could sneak up on her... He didn't want to scare her about last patrol, but this was fair game. He grinned widely and leapt, quickly and quietly (he was good at that) across the roofs remaining between him and his lady. He had decided that she was still hers. Just because she wasn't aware didn't mean that it wasn't true.


He snuck, climbing along of the windowsills of their building, just under the gutter, waiting for the perfect time to jump up. He had gotten her good last time, he could tell (though she tried to hide it). Hopefully he could do the same now. Chat's leather feet were surprisingly good at sticking to things and he hugged the brick wall with ease. Chat smirked to himself as he crept closer to Ladybug. He could hear her shuffling around and as Chat crawled closer, he heard... was that talking?

" -nd make sure to just act calm, okay?" Chat heard Ladybug's voice, which was strange. She rarely talked to herself, but who know, she was probably really riled up. In her place, Chat would've been nervous too. He didn't think anything of it until he heard... another voice? Chat lost interest on sneaking up on Ladybug.

" Sure thing, LB. I can be calm... I thi- I can," the newcomer replied. Ladybug giggled. Chat Noir bristled. Who-? Who could this person be..? Why are they talking to Ladybug? What are they talking about...?

Distracted, Chat missed a foothold in the wall and gasped. His instincts made him reach out for the nearest edge, which happened to be the gutter. The metal wasn't flimsy, but Chat wasn't going to risk a fall by breaking it. As quickly as he could, he clung back onto the wall, praying that he hadn't made much noise. But when he looked up...

Ladybug's eyes bore into his, startled at his sudden appearance, and hanging off the side of the building no less. Chat didn't know what to say. He was caught like a deer in headlights, eavesdropping onto a conversation he knew naught about. Safe to say that he was a little embarrassed. Chat scrambled over the side of the roof, ready to explain. Like, seriously, he was ready to launch into a full explanation as to why he had been hanging off the wall. But instantly, his eyes locked onto someone else's.

Considering his previous shock, you wouldn't have thought that Chat would forget the other voice so quickly (what could he say, Ladybug had that effect on him).

The new girl (for that was what she was) was almost entirely in orange, even her hair had a reddish tint. A few places had white, like her stomach, the end of her ponytail, and her ears. She had ears. Chat quickly glanced behind her. She had a tail. Who was this girl?

Honestly, if Chat had recognized the costume, he would've guessed a cosplayer, but her outfit was completely new to him. Her eyes looked brownish, but they were huge. And staring at him...

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