Chapter 1

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Adrien began to make his way up the steps of the school, careful not to jostle his arm. It had hurt so much this morning, he had to go to Nathalie for some painkillers. Adrien told her that he had been using the climbing wall that took up a large part of his bedroom. Though he used this excuse a lot, It looked like the woman had believed him.

So, now bearing a blue cast, Adrien was walking into the school, hopes set on an akuma attack cutting class short. Not only would he miss the long, boring classes, but he would get to see Ladybug too, which always lifted his spirits.

He wasn't planning on stopping and talking with anyone before class, too tired after staying up so late last night, scouring the internet for news about Ladybug, but was quickly intercepted.

"Adrikins, oh there you are!" Chloé Bourgeois sang as she approached Adrien from behind. He could smell her vanilla perfume as she got closer. He turned to face her. The pretty girl's hair was pulled back into its usual high ponytail and her pink lip gloss shined. Chloé always managed to look good, though she had pretty much nothing else going for her. The mayor's daughter quickly laced her arm through his, and reached for his hand too, but Adrien stuck it in his pocket before she could. She frowned a little at the floor and brought her hand back down.

"I was looking for you, hon. You always show up so late nowadays, though, and I rarely get to see you before class," the blonde pouted, "Is your father giving you more photoshoots recently." She waited for his nod and was unimpressed at the small frown that lay on his face. "That's a good thing, Adrihoney. He's finally acknowledging you as the future of his company, he's preparing you for when you take over. I can't wait until you do. With me as the future mayor, we could run this city." Chloé beamed at the idea, not noticing Adrien's grimace. Her one track mind didn't match up with his wishes for the future. Adrien wanted to live his own life, make his own decisions, but it seemed that nobody else agreed. And so Adrien was stuck, always trying to do what everyone wanted him to do and trying to make his father proud. That was all the poor boy had to live for, a future that he didn't want, and of course there was Ladybug, but even she could only spend time with him while he was in the mask Adrien sighed as the pair began to reach the classroom, their feet tapping in unison on the tiled floor.

Before they entered through the door, Adrien detangled himself from Chloé, glad to be rid of the girl. She always thought she knew what was best for him. She thought that they were meant for one another. As if, Adrien thought, quietly chuckling. He would never like Chloé like that and could not believe how dumb she was that she didn't understand. That she thought they were a couple. His heart was for Ladybug and Ladybug alone. Adrien cast a sad smile at his feet. She hadn't even noticed his cast.

Adrien walked behind Chloé into the classroom. He greeted his teacher and moved towards his seat, sliding onto the chair beside his best friend, Nino Lahiffe. As he began to take out his notebook and pen, Nino leaned over to him.

"Dude, what happened to your arm?" Nino glanced at his friend's cast. Adrien could hear Marinette and Ayla, the girls who sat behind them, quiet, as they too, waited for his answer. Adrien smiled inwardly, happy that he had such great friends.

"I fell off my climbing wall,"Adrien said, and before Nino could ask, he answered, "I didn't use the harness because I thought I didn't need it. Guess I was wrong," Adrien replied with a playful grin. His friends just stared at him, until Nino began to chuckle.

"Dude, what made you think you could climb that wall without a harness. Do you think you're a superhero or something," He smirked. Ayla laughed and joined him in making fun of Adrien's rash decisions, playfully teasing him. Marinette however, Adrien noticed, remained quiet, only blinking concern through her big, bluebell eyes.

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