Chapter 17

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Gabriel's perspective:

He had to admit, the article was very well done. The friendly and genuine style was effective, especially since the article's purpose was obviously to make the city like this new hero. It was written well.

One thing, however, that Gabriel wasn't so fond of was how this blogger portrayed Ladybug and Chat Noir. Protectors of Paris? He sighed. What the city didn't understand was that they weren't doing this for them. No, Ladybug and Chat Noir fought for one reason only: their miraculous. If they really wanted to protect Paris, they would give in to Hawkmoth and surrender their miraculous. If Hawkmoth wanted the city destroyed, he would do it.

They had it all wrong.

Gabriel sighed and closed his computer.

The city loved to paint him as the typical comic-book villain. It was unbelievable what the words of two teenagers in spandex automatically did to his reputation. What reason would Hawkmoth have for destroying his own city? God, sometimes people didn't think.

He wasn't the villain here. Nobody was. This was a fight for strength. Not some petty fight between good and evil.


So... He wasn't out to destroy Paris.

On the contrary, really. He quite liked Paris. It was beautiful and busy, the perfect example of a city. It was a good place to raise a son and was a great place to design fashion. No, it wasn't Paris's downfall Gabriel wanted.

It was power.

Gabriel looked down at his chest and clasped his hand over his butterfly pin. Even knowing the wonders it held, Gabriel couldn't feel anything out of the ordinary about it. It was metal, it was symmetrical, it was boring. The fact that anything so powerful could, in any way, feel boring felt so wrong to Gabriel. There should be some sign. Some unmistakable aura, or anything of the like, that told of what it could do.

But it just sat there... Shiny, stylish, like everything else Gabriel Agreste owned.

Sometimes he was grateful for that.

Grateful that it's presence did not draw any attention. Grateful that no one had asked him about it. Grateful that nobody had discovered his secret.

Shame how nobody really notices something until they're forced to. Until they turn their backs and their ignorance comes to stab them.

This pin was the most important thing Gabriel owned. Not because it was rare, not because of the kwami that unfortunately came with it.

It gave him something nothing else could. Hope.

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