part 18

365 11 2

annabeth POV:

"I know you're gonna love this place. I know I sort of do. I got bullied but now me and the girl are friends because the school sorted it out"

I laugh and she looks at me and grins that's when I get the better look at her she has; dark brown hair and eyes and a tan (a/n true description of me btw ⭐⭐⭐) suddenly it starts pouring rain. Emma pulls out an umbrella, puts it up and on covering both of us she sighs

"it's always like this" (a/n its true. in Ireland it could be sunny and then KABOOM! rain pouring down! I've been to Spain twice and on the rare sunny days I'm outside that's why I have a tan in case you're wondering)

"wow seriously?"

"yeah but you'll get used to it. well here we are" she says leading me in a pair of gates. she leads me inside and to the secretary's office where I get my schedule and locker number. "I'd better get to class have a great day!" Emma exclaims while we're walking along

"so Emma what's your family like?" I ask her

"well my dad is a social worker and so is my stepmother and I have 2 stepsisters"

"cool I have brothers and a stepmother who is a housemom and my dad builds stuff. not buildings though so he spends a lot of time alone"

"oh. what about your real mom.....if you don't mind me asking?"

"long story"

I look at her and suddenly the mark of athena appears over her head. she looks up and grins

"cool! wait I'm a demigod?" she whispers the last part

"yes so am I. we have the same godly parent" we're whispering and suddenly a girl comes up behind us with 2 crutches but no broken leg

"hi there! I'm lily and well I tell everyone I have a muscular problem in my legs but actually I'm a satyr and I heard your convo and well I'm actually your protector" she whispers the last part.




"there are BIG problems at camp half blood! someone stole the golden fleece and poisened the tree and the barrier is down now!" lily explains

"AGAIN?!" I yell totally panicked

"huh?!" Emma asks

"long story. but we need to get to camp asap" lily tells us

"we're going to camp?! OMGS I can see Percy again. but terrible news about the fleece" I say

"wait wait wait. okay. you mean the golden fleece of myth? a tree poisoned that holds up the barrier that protects this camp and the barrier is failing to protect everyone in the camp because the tree is dying? and is this camp like some place to protect demigods like us and does each god have like a cabin or something?" Emma asks "oh and who's Percy?"

"well all of those you have correct and Percy is my boyfriend and we're in cabin 6. the Athena cabin" I explain

"claimed by Athena then?" lily says

"yes" Emma says

"hey guys"

we all spin around to see nico behind us.

"hi" Emma says

"you guys want to use shadow travel?"

"yeah sure thing" lily and I say

"what's shadow travel?" Emma asks nervously

"I'll show you" nico says taking her hand and we vanish into blackness

long distance relationship. percabethWhere stories live. Discover now