part 32

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annabeth POV: when we get back to camp I run to tell Piper who screams like an over exited 4 year old

"OMGS! he proposed to you?!"

"yes! and I was wondering would you like to be one of my bridesmaids?"

"yes of course I would thanks for asking. who else will you be asking?"

"well Percy's mom, Calypso, thalia, Emma and probably my mum if she can make it"

"wouldn't miss it at all seeing as Percy was polite enough to ask me for permission to propose"

piper and I both jump up in shock and turn around to see Athena standing behind us, smiling.

"Hi mom"

"hello annabeth"

total awkward silence

"well you know where I am if you need me. I'd better be going"

"bye mom"

I look around trying to figure out where piper went right then. suddenly I hear screaming from above me?? I look up and see piper and Jason. of course he snuck off with her the rascal.

Piper POV: "Jason put me down!" I shriek

"a few more minutes"

"no. I think it would be best to put me down" I say, using charmspeak he lands. and puts me down and I run over to annabeth, who's laughing like crazy.

"ok that's not funny"

"you're right.... ITS HILARIOUS!" she yells doubling over with laughter. I sigh and roll my eyes.

annabeth POV: I'm still laughing when piper looks at me and she looks really mad so I stop.


I giggle and receive an angry glare from piper.

"okay sorry"

she grins and gives me a playful push. I do it back and she chases me towards the lake. suddenly a huge wave soaks both of us

"woah what the?" piper says looking. terrified

"seaweed brain" I say simply.

percy POV: lol just soaked piper and annabeth. I get out of the lake, laughing to myself when suddenly someone yells


I fall from the fright it gave me then I look up to see annabeth and Piper standing there looking down at me, grinning mischievously.

"what the?"

"shouldn't have soaked us, seaweed brain" annabeth says with a giggle. she holds out her hand and I take it but instead of letting her pull me up, I pull her down. piper grins and walks off. I wrap my arms around annabeth and laugh

"let me go" she says, trying to get away

"never" I say, laughing. I stand up and throw her into the lake. I jump in and make an air bubble around us. I edge closer to annabeth and tickle her. she laughs and tries to get away but fails. I keep tickling her for a while. and then I stop and kiss her.

long distance relationship. percabethWhere stories live. Discover now