part 33

207 11 1

still Percy POV: "have you told the guys yet?"

annabeth and I are sitting on the beach planning the wedding

"told us what?"

we turn around and see Jason, Leo, nico and Frank standing behind us

"umm..." annabeth says

"we're getting married" I say for her

"cool" they say in unison

"and I was wondering would you guys be our groomsmen we asked Paul and annabeths dad too and if he can make it...."

"wouldn't miss it I know what you were going to say" I already know who it is.

"hi dad" I say

"hi Poseidon" says annabeth, nico, frank and Jason-(who tried his best) awkward silence

time lapse just wanna get to it now

annabeth POV: it's a week before the wedding and me,piper,hazel,Emma, Thalia and sally are going shopping for our dresses. I've decided on green, sea green, for the bridesmaids dresses and a light gray dress for me. we pay for the dresses just as Athena walks in

"sorry couldn't get away"

"hi mom that's grand. here's your dress" I show her the dress and she smiles

"its beautiful" she says taking it

"could I bring it back with me just in case I can't get changed with you girls"


"thank you. I'd better go before anyone finds out"

"okay. bye!"


she leaves and I turn to the others who are in a huddle and whispering to each other.

"so who's up for lunch?" I ask making them jump

"me" they say in unison so we head off to the Starbucks down the street after asking for the dresses to be dropped to my house for tomorrow.


in Starbucks

"we still need flower girls and those little boys who carry the rings up"

I look up at Emma who is halfway through a cookie the size of her face

"well I've asked my brothers to do the rings and ally for flower girl and I've asked your family to come and for your sisters to be flower girls too"


"what are your sisters names then?" Piper asks her

"their names are Christina and Beatrice but their nicknamed Chris and Tris. Christina is tomboyish"

"okay. how old are they?"

"they're both 5"


suddenly the door opens and the boys walk in.

"oh boy" says Emma making us all crack up.

Percy POV: me and the guys walk into Starbucks and hear laughter and we all look over and see the girls laughing amongst themselves. before we can do anything Leo walks towards them

"whaddup ladies"

they all giggle at him when there's a large crash and a hellhound stands behind Emma and piper, growling. they turn around and Emma stabs the hellhound into the back with her knife. the hellhound explodes into dust, coating Emma's T-shirt in it. she grins happily and gets up and heads to the bathroom and comes out with a clean T-shirt.

"always bring spare clothes" piper says. grinning at us. Emma reaches us after a few seconds

"hey guys" she says smiling at us

"hi" we say in unison and nico and Emma both smile at each other.

Emma POV: nico smiles at me and I can't help but smile back.

"hey Emma I need to talk to you a sec" he says walking a few steps and I follow him and look back to see piper mouthing 'good luck' to me

time lapse

I'm worried. really worried nico turns around to face me and noticed my worried expression

"don't worry its not what you think" he says making me sigh in relief

"all I wanted to know is when your birthday is just so I know when to buy you something special

"January 8th" I reply (that's my real birthday BTW just saying) he smiles at me

"well now that I know that do you want to go on a date tonight?" he says "yeah sure" I say smiling at him. he steps closer and places a hand on my shoulder

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you too" and then we kiss.

long distance relationship. percabethWhere stories live. Discover now