part 30

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annabeth POV: when we finish our meal Percy and I head to Central park and take a walk. I sit down because the heels I'm wearing are hurting my feet. Percy goes to get some hot dogs (BTW it's July forth in this scene)

Percy POV: as I start walking back to annabeth with our hot dogs I feel a hand on my shoulder. I spin around and find myself standing face-to-face with Athena (perfect timing)

"hello Percy"

"hello" I say feeling totally nervous "um athena I have to ask you something"

"sure. anything".

"well I was wondering what you would say if I proposed to annabeth"

"well I don't like your father all that much but I know how much you love annabeth so I'm okay with it"

"thank you" I say

"your welcome" and she disappears.

annabeth POV: where is Percy? seriously

"hey" he says sitting next to me and handing me a hot dog

"hey. thanks. where were you?"

"long line" I lie trying to be casual

"okay" she totally bought it lol. I finish my hot dog and look at annabeth who is finished her one too. I take a deep breath, get on one knee and........

long distance relationship. percabethWhere stories live. Discover now