part 34

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Emma POV: so me and nico are going on our second date today and I'm wearing a gray t-shirt, jeans runners and a blue hoodie this date is kind of a casual one like jeans and t-shirt casual

                     time lapse

nico POV: I look at my watch 4:30 I smile and knock on the door of the athena cabin. Emma opens it and smiles at me

"ready to go?"

"yeah I'm ready" she says "see you later, annabeth!" she calls back into the cabin before shutting the door. I take her hand and we walk out of camp and head to the city. we walk into the fair which is only there for the week. and look around

"so what do you want to do first?" I ask

"roller coaster?"

"roller coaster" I agree and we join the line.

"okay keep your arms and legs inside at all times" the man droned as if he said it a million times today. suddenly there was a jolt and the ride took off. suddenly we were stopped at the top of a huge hill and we heard a panicked voice behind us

"you guys said this would be fun its not fun!"

"Thalia calm down its fine"

Emma POV: I turn around and smile

"hi Thalia!"

"hey ems"

"so you scared of heights or something?"


I'm about to laugh when suddenly the ride shoots down the hill and turns upside down. at the end I feel dizzy and can't walk straight. I trip suddenly and would've faceplanted the rocky ground if nico hadn't caught me.

"maybe we should sit down for a bit"

"good idea"

we walk over to one of the benches set up and take a seat. I sigh in relief. "never again" I moan

"yeah even I have to admit that was terrible"

after about 5 minutes I feel better so nico and I decide to play a few games that were set up at the fair. I gave up after a while because it was useless. all these games are scams to make money! neither of us won anything in the end (a/n that whole guy wins teddy for girl is to soppy romance in my opinion) so we went on the Ferris wheel. it was so romantic.

time lapse to the next day

I wake up only to see that something is wrong.everyone is still sleeping. I hear a noise so I get dressed quickly and run outside and find myself face to face with a hellhound. before I can scream for help the hellhound licks me. I looked at it in surprise. then it all comes back. I was so sleepy that I didn't realize that this is Mrs. o Leary like one of the friendliest hellhounds ever. before I can do anything else she bounds off again. oh well. I go back inside and wait for everyone else to get up

long distance relationship. percabethWhere stories live. Discover now