part 25

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annabeth POV: we found the fleece!! but sadly I have to go back to Ireland. I don't want to go again I'm trying not to cry. but of course I do start crying. before anyone can see, I run to my cabin, curl up on my bunk and cry into my pillow.

Percy POV: I look around me, searching for annabeth but I can't see her anywhere. I walk around thinking that she was talking a walk. eventually I find myself right outside  the athena cabin, I knock on the door and slip inside. that's when I see annabeth crying. I walk over to her, sit on the edge of her bunk and gently run my hand through her hair. suddenly she sits up and looks at me. "I don't want to leave" she says, tears streaming down her face. I reach over and hug her, holding her tight. she hugs me back and rests her head on my shoulder.

"hey you know. there's actually an apartment for sale and its like a floor below mine and I was going to tell you earlier but-" I'm cut off as annabeth kisses me I miss her back and suddenly she pulls away, smiling

"that's brilliant! maybe if I do get it I could share with Emma!"she says

"well about that...." I begin and annabeth looks at me, absolutely shocked

"you bought it?!"

"yep. for you and Emma".

"oh my gods! thank you! I love you!"

"love you too. I guess you don't have to leave after all"

"yeah. I'd better ring my dad and Emma's and tell them"


long distance relationship. percabethWhere stories live. Discover now