part 24

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Percy POV: we're walking for about an hour when we hear a noise. we turn around and see a squirrel behind us

"oh. it's just a cute,fuzzy squirrel"says annabeth as we turn around.

annabeth POV: we turn around to keep walking and I turn and find myself looking right at a SPIDER!! I start screaming and Percy walks over, takes off his shoe and crushes the spider with it. I smile at him and reach up and kiss his cheek. suddenly he spins around and kisses me.

Clarisse POV: Percy and annabeth kiss for about 2 minutes and I'm fed up and just want to get going.

"come on lovebirds! we have a quest remember?!" they pull away and look at me

"yeah okay. come on guys" Percy says and walks off

nico POV: after a slightly mushy kissing scene we finally get going. eventually we reach a large rock that we have to climb over. we start climbing and when I reach the top I look down and see that Emma is having some trouble climbing up the rock. I reach a hand down to her and she takes it. I pull her up and we smile at each other.


"no problem"

"I literally have no upper body strength" she tells me, blushing. I start climbing down the other side with Emma climbing down a little bit further up. I reach solid ground and wait for her and suddenly her feet slip and she loses her grip and falls. she would of landed on the ground but I caught her in my arms. I set her down and she hugs me and I hug her back which receives a chorus of awwwws from the others. we pull apart and we hold hands after a while we see a gold object up ahead. we get closer and see that its the golden fleece! we grab it and run. suddenly Emma trips and her hand falls from mine. we stop and decide to rest for a bit. I help Emma to her feet and we walk over to a fallen tree and sit on it. we sit there a while and rest and decide to head off again. after about 5 minutes I notice that Emma is limping. she's trying to hide it but is struggling. I walk back to her and offer her a piggyback to camp. she takes the offer with a smile and a nod and I bend over and she climbs on my back. I start running to catch up to the others and after about half an hour we're back at camp

long distance relationship. percabethWhere stories live. Discover now