part 35

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K so I'm just gonna go to a day before the wedding to shorten it out and I'll write a sequel to this after the wedding

annabeth POV: oh gods one day left!!! so basically me, Emma, Emma's sisters, ally, hazel, Piper, sally,Calypso and Thalia are staying in me and Emma's apartment. everyone reacted like

me:oh gods I'm so nervous

Calypso: calm down you'll be fine

Sally: *hums 'here comes the bride'*

Christina: normally I don't wear dresses but its a wedding and I'm so excited! and I'll make an exception for a dress for this!

Beatrice: yay wedding!! *hums 'here comes the bride' with Sally*

Ally: wow the last time I was at a wedding was 3 years ago. this is just going to be great!

Thalia: just think, me and Luke found you as a terrified little kid and you've grown so much!

Emma: *jumps up and down* PERCABETH FOR LIFE!

Piper: percabeth wedding! yay!

                  time lapse

I open the closet to find our dresses

"guys the dresses are here!they magically appeared in the closet just now!" I call

"how.... mom" says piper walking up to me, grinning happily. Emma walks in with a five year old hanging off her hands, squabbling over something

"am I the only one with step siblings?" she asks, lifting her arms

"I have two step brothers so I know that feeling" I say with a laugh

"how do I remove them from me?" she whines. I laugh and walk over to help her.

"okay so I'll help by gently removing her hands" I say going to lift Christina off Emma's arm. she won't budge. strong grip for a five year old I think. Piper walks over and charmspeaks Christina to let go. and it works. Emma uses her free hand to pull Beatrice off. she came off easily. "tris is the girly one and Chris as she likes to be called is totally tomboy" she says, giggling and then we have breakfast, get our hair and make up done, put on our dresses and get a limo to the church. 

long distance relationship. percabethWhere stories live. Discover now