(Your name) went to bed after the conversation with the bartender, no longer feeling like having a drink. (Your name) laid down and stared at the dank, mouldy ceiling. What was that all about?

I look like an earth bender? (Your Name) knew he looked nothing like a water tribes man, but the excessive pointing out of his odd features made him realise that maybe he wasn't fully a water tribesman. (Your name)'s glance at the ceiling turned into a hardy glare. It did not matter what he looked like though, he was still Yakone's youngest son. He would always be Yakone's son and no matter what he looked like, he would always be apart of the tribe.

But (your name) knew that wasn't true. Besides (your name)'s brothers, all the other children in the near by villagers bullied him because he looked different. The creamy white skin, the slightly thinner/leaner than average build, and his mismatched grey-green eyes were not what a Water Tribesman was supposed to look like. You had to have a somewhat thick build, brown skin and eyes the colour of the sea. (Your name) was not allowed to play with the other children as the leader of the group of six-year olds said to him;

"Do you have dark skin?"

(Your name) stared at the dark skinned six-year old male quizzically. "I don't... think so?"

The dark skinned child smirked at him then. "Then you can't play with us. Only Water Tribesman can play." The child smugness confused the other child immensly.

"But... your not a Tribesman you are a Tribesboy. "

The leader of the groups face turned from a look of confusion to becoming red with anger. "Shut up! You just can't play with us."

"Why not?"

"Because your not one of us, you don't belong!"

(Your name) tried to anyway though, he tried to play but all the other little boys ignored him. (Your name) had been trying to play with them for about an hour until his brother Tarrlock had dragged him away, and (Your name) had burst into tears, his quiet wails echoing the ice-covered country side as the other children laughed at his distress. (Your name) made a decision that day, that being to never cry in front of anyone ever again, minus his older brother.

(Your name) closed his eyes as he purposefully breathed through his nose. It always made him sad to think about situations like that, but weirdly enough, he wasn't the slightest bit angry. Tarrlock always teased him about (your name) being far too forgiving. (Your name) had always been a forgiving person unlike the rest of the males in his family and had continuously been lectured by his father as to the ways of his family; to never forgive anyone. (Your name) had tried during childhood, he really had, but he would instantly go all mellow for someone in need, even if they may have bullied him in the past.

But there was no point in worrying now. (Your name) let out a sigh, his jaw slightly tightening. He had to grow up. He had to man up. He had to toughen up.

(Your name) turned over on his side, looking at the small wooden cup that sat beside him on the bedside table. (Your name) brought his hand up slightly, then made a slightly stiff movement with his arm, pushing the palm of his hand forward towards the cup. A small gush of air rolled forward and the cup flew off the bedside table and hit the floor with a clatter. (Your name) smiled slightly to himself as he shut his eyes, sleep enveloping him in its dark canvas.


(Your name) left the Inn the next morning, heading down the cobbled stone footpath further into town. People were bustling around, and shop keepers were calling to anyone to come into their shop. (Your name) walked among the people of Ba Sing Se, his predominantly Water Tribe clothes standing out when compared to the earth kingdom attire that the people around him wore. Shop keepers knew just from this that he was a foreigner, and because of this all the shop keepers started to haggle him for his money.

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