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(Your name) closed his eyes once more, trying to calm himself down. "Well I'm not trying  to do nothing, I'm trying to lift it."

Ko looked up at the sky. "Ya would have thought that we would have made more progress, considering your an earth bender."

And maybe that was the problem, something he could not tell Ko, that he had only learnt how to earth bend just over 6 months ago.

"Well maybe I'm a slow learner."

"Yeah, well, I already knew that."

"Oh, shut up you bloody sandy-crack filled ass."

"I can sand-bend ya dunderhead, so I can bend the sand out of my ass."

"...You make a good point actually..."


"Shut up you diva, why don't you start a new Earth Empire your grace?"

"Because I'm not a-"

"SHUT UP THE PAIR OF YOU!" Kanto exclaimed from where he sat, on a rock not too far from them.

"Sorry Kanto." The two said in sync, glaring at one another.

Kanto let out a sigh as he slowly got up, groaning as he shifted his back. It made a sharp 'crack' and he let out a sigh as he walked over, before taking a tight grip of (Your name)'s arm. "Move the arm back a bit, and loosen your stance... no, not too much, your not a bloody air bender are ya?"

(Your name) did as he was told, moving his arm back and changing his stance. He didn't answer the mans question about being an air bender, as he knew that the man couldn't be more wrong. "Am I that painful to watch?"

"The both of ya are." Kanto replied gruffly, letting go of (Your name) as he took a step back. "How long have ya been earth bending?"

"Ahh..." (Your name) glanced towards Ko from the corner of his eye, before letting out a tired sigh and dropping his arms to his side. "Not very long admittedly... not even a year."

He could feel Ko practically gaping at him, after all, the only time he was ever silent was when he was in shock. Kanto nodded his head, a hand scratching the short scruff of a beard that was on his chin, an interested gleam in his eye's. "I thought as much. Your style is not bad by any means, in fact, it reminds me of Ms Toph Beifong's style of bending. But that doesn't mean that ya should slack off. Now tell me, what is similar between Earth bending and sand bending?"

"Errr..." (Your name) mumbled dumbly, before the thought hit him, at least the most obvious one. "Sedimentation. I mean... yeah, their both... earth."

Kanto rolled his eye's, "Yes Dumbass, they are both earth. Wow, I feel so fulfilled with this revelatio-"

"I only did medical science okay?" (Your name) growled out softly, lifting his arms up and uselessly shrugging. "Not... this."

Ko snickered softly from where he stood while Kanto looked up to the heavens, seeming to be praying for the desert Gods to help him. "The sediments that form a waterway's bed, banks and floodplain have been transported from higher in the catchment and deposited there by the flow of water. Estuaries are shaped by the mixing of water and sediments from both a waterway and the ocean, creating sedimentary environments, ya know?*"

(Your name) slowly nodded his head, acting as though he knew what the man was talking about, but he really didn't.

Kanto sighed. "It basically means that sand and earth are made in different ways."


"So what does that mean?"

(Your name) thought for a moment, before hesitantly replying, "It means that sand bending is not going to be the same as earth bending. It may be similar, but there is more to it."

"Exactly! So that means that ya going to have to bend differently." Kanto grabbed (Your name)'s wrist and easily lifted the limp arms up into the air. "Okay, so tell me, what is the difference between sand bending and earth bending?"

"Its separate!" Ko answered, grinning from ear to ear. "It doesn't hold together."

"Yes, so why do you think you can't bend it? Remember the story of how the desert was created? The rock was dropped on the people and it smashed..."

"Because the particles are separate..." (Your name) mumbled, feeling stupid all of a sudden. "I have been trying to bend a rock, one entire clump of earth, yet I should be trying to bend sand, separated pieces of earth." (Your name) let out a low groan, "Fuck, I'm dumb."

"That ya are." Kanto agreed with not an ounce of sympathy. "Now imagine yourself bending little grains of sand, imagine the God and Goddesses of the Si Wong Desert are splitting the earth, now lift up your arms, imagine that you are-"

(Your name) did just that, and before he even realised it, had moved his arms higher and higher before they were raised above his head, like a mad man praising some unknown God. (Your name) opened his eye's and to his amazement, he saw a spiral of sand rising up near his hand. (Your name) suddenly threw up his hands and whooped in glee. "Yeaaahhh, alright, who's the master nowww!"

"Your form is off, ya  arms are too high, ya look like a limp noodle, your stance is too stiff, and now I'm going for a nap."

Ko snickered, leaning in towards (Your name) and whispering loudly "A grannie nap."



A few weeks later, (Your name) stood on the sand, half-heartedly glaring at Ko.

"You've taught me all you know so... I've got to go."

Ko glared at (Your name), crossing his arms. "Then take me with ya! I know this desert betta' then anyone!"

"But... I'll be doing some dangerous wor-"

"Like wha'? That won't phase me!"

"Well... I-"

Your Choice:

7a) Tell the bastard to 'Fuck off, cause he isn't coming.'

7b) Relent and let him tag along, into the sunset, despite the dangers.


*Government of Western Australia Water and Environmental Regulation, Erosion and Sedimentation, for some reason this application would not allow me to copy the link.

I'm so sorry that it took so long to upload, even though that the entirety of this chapter is arguing. I have had big exams over the past couple of years, and still do have some more, so please bare with me and my slow updates.

I also had a writers block with this part, and had the first three sentences already written for a few months, so AHHHHHHHH-

Word Count: 1030

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