Ch.6 Case Closed

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Before I could even react I saw Kirito jump out the window and onto an adjacent roof.

Maverick:Well it seems they got this covered,I'm just gonna head home.


I was at home and it was getting pretty dark and then I got a message from Asuna.

"Where the hell were you?!"

Maverick:What do you mean?

"Kirito told me that you were at the front of the inn when Yolko was killed so what did you do?!"

Maverick:I went home.


Maverick:Because,you guys looked like you already had it handled and I felt my presence was not needed.

"Can you just....come meet up with us?We need to still figure this out."

Maverick:Oh,I already did that.

Asuna was quiet for a minute and then spoke in a quiet angry tone.

"When did you find out?"

Maverick:I've known since yesterday.

"You are the worst friend ever!"

Maverick:Would you have me any other way?


Maverick:I read the files you guys gave me about Yolko's guild and I would suggest heading to where Schmitt is.

"And that's where?"

Maverick:Greselda's Grave.It's on Floor 19:Cross Hill.Thanks to his paranoia now.

"Can we count on you to be there this time?"

Maverick:Sure but i'll be late.

"Of course you'll be."


We just made it in time and we saw Laughing Coffin there and I already knew just what to say.

Kirito:Looks like we made it in time.So,I think you guys should leave because I don't think you guys wanna run into Maverick again.

They're looked back at us with anger and fear.

Guy:God damnit.....

Boss:We need to move now!


I made my way to Griselda's grave and saw Asuna arguing with Grimlock.

Asuna:You're Wrong,Grimlock.You've got it all wrong.You didn't love Griselda.That's not what you felt.You stopped loving her and became selfish and possessive!

Kains:Kirito.We appreciate your help.But,I think this is our problem to deal with now.


I watched as Kains,Schmitt,Yolko,and Grimlock walk off.

Maverick:Sooo,you guys wanna give me a short summary of what happened?

Kirito:Well Grimlock and Greselda were married and then he had her killed because she wasn't the same Griselda when they were first married.

Maverick:Huh.Loves a crazy thing ain't it?

Asuna:It wasn't love.

Maverick:Eh I think it was.It may have been delusional but,love comes in many forms.

Asuna:Oh?And what would you know about love?

Maverick:It's just what I believe.

Asuna:Have you....ever liked someone,Maverick?

Maverick:Nope.Never found someone that I'd want to be with.


There was a awkward silence and then she started talking to Kirito.



Asuna:Say it was you,and you married someone,and later on,you found out that she had a side of her you didn't know about?How would you feel?

Kirito:I guess...that I was lucky?Because,I mean,if you married someone,that means you already like whatever you know about him ,doesn't it?And if you discovered something you didn't know about him before,and fell in love with that,too,then...that would be awesome?

Asuna:Right.Good Answer.Anyway,i'm hungry after all this.I didn't really get to finish my dinner.

Kirito:Oh....yeah,you didn't.

Asuna:We should get to work tomorrow.We've been off the front lines for two days.

Kirito:Yeah,I was hoping to have this floor cleared by the end of the week.What the?

Asuna:Now what?Huh?

Kirito pointed toward a figure standing by the grave that smiled and disappeared.

Maverick:Ghosts of people in a video game?That's one off the bucket list.

Asuna:Hey,Kirito.Do you wanna friend me?It's kinda silly not to.It's convenient.We are in the same Assault Team after all.

Kirito:But I already have my team.

Kirito pointed at me as I crossed my arms at this interesting discussion.

Asuna:Hey,I didn't say you had to form a party with me.You should try to make more friends while you're here.

Maverick:I feel like you're trying to say something.

Kirito:Agreed.It's not that I don't want...hey!

Asuna grabbed Kirito.

Asuna:Think about it while we eat!No pressure.Come on,let's go back and find a good restaurant.

Kirito:Uh okay.

Asuna:Do you wanna come to Maverick?

Maverick:No i'm just gonna go home and eat something by my house.

I started walking ahead but I stopped and turned around.

Maverick:Oh yeah Asuna?


Maverick:How does it feel knowing I was right from the start?See ya!



Maverick:Alright,why'd you want to talk with me?

Asuna:Because you helped us on the case and since your a......friend.I've decided to tell you where I get my created gear.

Maverick:Alright,what's this place?

Asuna:Lisbeth's Blacksmith Shop.

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