Chapter Two: Tea

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Gilbert's eyes squint-twitched as he smiled at a speechless Anne.
('squint-twitched' meaning the look he gave Anne after they blew out the same candle in the Christmas dinner I could write it. anyway, continue)

"Ah-I-um," Anne had no words. Honestly, she hadn't a clue what to say to the boy since Cole told her, well what he told her. His words played in her head daily, "You know Gilbert has a crush on you, right." AHG Cole! Anne looked at Gilbert but when she met his eyes she quickly diverted her gaze to the window. She tried with all her might to suppress her thoughts as she felt heat start blooming on her cheeks.

"Well, I'll leave you with your beautiful Snow Queen, Princess," Gilbert walked out of Anne's room before she had the chance to even react to his new nickname for her.

Gilbert sashayed down the stairs with a certain air: having made Anne be at a loss for words had put him in an excellent mood.

"There you are Gilbert! I turned my back to put the kettle on and when i turned back around you were gone!" Marilla smiled at the young man as she poured the water into the teapot.

"Oh, I do apologize Marilla. Anne so often talked about Snow Queen," at Marilla's puzzlement he clarified, "the cherry blossom tree outside her window, well i just had to go take a look at it. I must say she was right; it is a magnificent tree."

"Oh yes! Anne sure does love that tree, and all her names for things! I can hardly keep up. The tea is nearly ready, will she be down shortly?"

"Here I am, Marilla!" Anne said, appearing at the bottom of the stairs, "I just wanted to—scold myself for loosing the ribbon in such an irresponsible manner." When in reality she was recomposing herself, and figuring out something to say to that boy.

"Well good! I hope it taught you a lesson, Anne, to be careful with and to treasure the nice things you have been blessed with in your life."

With those words Gilbert instinctly looked at Anne and said, "I quite agree, we can never be too grateful for the little blessings and gifts in life."

Oblivious to his look, Anne ran with the conversation, "Why of course! That is why I name—well EVERYTHING. Take Snow Queen, why I know she's called a Japanese Cherry Blossom tree, which at least she isn't just called a tree; however, there are so MANY Japanese Cherry Blossoms it's almost as if she was just being called 'tree'. How would you feel if you were just called 'person' or 'human' in stead of by your name? Now as plain and boring 'Anne'—even with the E—is I would much rather be called that than 'human' like everyone else."

Marilla and Gilbert just stood as they listened to Anne's rambling thought. Marilla trying to keep up with the child, but Gilbert in awe of the depth she took the conversation to. When Anne finished and looked at them, Marilla and Gilbert just shared an amused look.

"Now, Anne, that was very well and all but do sit down so we may have tea," Marilla stated.

Looking a little deflated Anne sat down running her hands through her still loose hair.
"I quite agree, Anne," the familiar voice startled her, "I would despise being called by the same name as everyone. Can you imagine what it would be like in school?" Gilbert laughed at the thought.

Cracking a smile Anne looked up at Gilbert. His hazel eyes dancing with the absurd image of the classroom chaos that no names would cause. When he looked down as he poured his tea, a black curl fell to his forehead; so when he looked back up passing the teapot to Anne, he looked as dear as ever.

What was happening to Anne?! She had never looked at Gilbert like this before. Well, he was awfully handsome—arguably the most handsome boy in Avonlea, but she always shut her mind down never letting it run with these thoughts. Yet, in the last few months she had not been able to do that.

"So, Gilbert, Anne here tells me that you aspire to be a doctor?" Marilla said pulling both kids out of their heads.

"Why yes! It was while I was on the steamer that I came to this realization. You see life on-board was not so glamorous, and life in the ports—despite how glamorous the city—could be even worse. There was so much suffering, plus witnessing what my father went through, I really want to help people," Gilbert had a look of such kindness and sincerity in his eyes as he explained, "That is why I came back to Avonlea, to continue my education. Well, one of the reasons."

Anne had been hanging on every word Gilbert said to Marilla, but when he said the last line Gilbert shifted his gaze directly to Anne. Their eyes meeting, he quickly smiled and looked back to Marilla. Anne took a quick sip of her tea to hide the blush that bloomed on her cheeks. He meant his farm, where his whole life had been and memories of his father. Oh, and Bash! Bash wanted to go somewhere and settle down. Anne said to herself trying to calm herself.

Thoroughly impressed by how much Gilbert had matured and his compassion for others Marilla gave the young man an approving nod saying, "Your father would be very proud Gilbert."

"I sure hope so; that is kind of you to say, Marilla, thank you," his face had grown solemn but perked up suddenly,"but enough about me. Our Anne told me she has ambitions to be a school teacher 'just like Ms. Stacy'."

Marilla looked amused at the tone in Gilbert's voice at the end and had he said 'our Anne'?

"Indeed, we are very proud of our Anne. She has such ambition I'm sure she could do anything she put her mind to, but I am quite proud of her decision."

Anne beamed at Marilla for talking so highly of her and her life decision. Gilbert watched Anne's joyful face thinking to himself, she will make an excellent teacher, even surpassing Ms. Stacy. I'm sure. Sighing he stood saying, "Well I think I have intruded long enough. Thank you, Marilla, for tea. Anne," he paused waiting for her to look at him.

But our Anne misread his pause; having picked up the teacups, she turned to the sink and without looking at Gilbert said, "Blythe. And I suppose I should thank you for returning my ribbon."

"Yes, you suppose correctly child," Marilla curtly said turning to Gilbert with an amused look on her face, "and you, Mister Blythe, were no intrusion at all. You may intrude whenever you wish or need company."

Anne froze at the sink, why would Marilla tell Gilbertof all people Gilbert Blythe!to come whenever he wished? Why Diana hasn't ever received such an invitation!

"Well, thank you Marilla. I may take you up on that sometime, Bash can get in such moods sometimes," Gilbert replied with a laugh, "Well, I'll be going. See you at school next week, Anne."

Anne didn't speak until she heard the door close, signaling Gilbert's absence.

"Oh Marilla! I had totally forgotten school was starting again next week! I am quite ready for it though, it has been a lovely harvest break and I thoroughly enjoyed learning household skills, but I do miss seeing Gil-everyone. I mean, I miss seeing everyone everyday, except for that awful Billy Andrews and horrid Josie Pye. I do not know what ever made them decide to be so vicious towards me.

"OH! Marilla, do you think I may wear my new dress I just finished? Please Marilla! oh pleeaseeee! I solemnly swear I will be extra careful in it!"

Marilla smiled at the child's pleadings, for she had already washed and put the pale yellow dress away so Anne wouldn't wear and ruin it before school-start.

"Why I don't see why not. I also suppose, as long as, you promise to be more careful than you were today, you may wear your hair down and with the matching ribbon."

"OH THANK YOU MARILLA! I promise to be ever so careful! EEeee! I'm going to go start studying so I am already ahead!" Anne ran up the stairs and Marilla heard her door close with a little more than enough force.

Marilla sighed, she is growing up right in front of my eyes. I can hardly believe its been two and a half years since that little red head jumped out of the wagon and wove her way into my heart.


a/n: Hiiiiii guys! thank you sm for reading! i hope you enjoyed the tea!

update hopefully within...a week? i have two papers due next week so we'll see!

thanks y'all <3

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