Chapter Eighteen: Complexity

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oh look I'm back to updating at random night time hours...but

WOWZA!! I'm SO freaking sorry this took so long to get out!! Just a lot has happened: school got crazy, I'm leaving on this last second trip, and A LOT of (excuse me) crap happened in my personal life....


Thank you all for being so patient!!

Here's ch. 17!!

*note: song doesn't relate I just SERIOUSLY love this version*


The bell over the schoolhouse rang signaling the end of lessons and the students started packing up.

"Students please!" Ms. Stacy yelled grasping the attention of all the children, " I understand it is the end of the day and you want to get home or on out to your plans; however, I must tell you all something."

Her tone turned very soft at the end of her last sentence and many girls, including Diana and Ruby, sat back down.

"Now, under normal circumstances my next sentence should make you all very happy; however, the reason for it is a grievous one."

All the students subconsciously leaned towards Ms. Stacy, she had them sitting on the edges of their seats.

"What is it Ms. Stacy?" Diana asked as she hadn't continued talking.

"Well, there will not be any class tomorrow," the boys immediately about to celebrate Ms. Stacy shot them all a look silencing any hurrahs, "you may have been wondering why Anne was not here today. Well, we have lost the life of a special member of our community, children."

Tears sprung to the eyes of all the girls, shockingly even Josie Pye's.

"Ms. Stacy, you don't mean to say..." Diana couldn't finish her sentence. She couldn't have lost her bosom friend! She would surely feel it in her heart if Anne, a piece of her, was missing!

"NO!" Ms. Stacy realized how she had worded her statement, "heavens no! Gracious I'm sorry, students. No, Anne is perfectly healthy; however Mr. Cuthbert has moved on to be with our Lord."

"Oh how sad," Tillie's voice echoed in the silent classroom.

"The funeral is at noon tomorrow, so we will not have school tomorrow, or Friday. I hope to see you all at the funeral tomorrow to support our Anne, and then I will see you all bright eyed Monday morning. Good day students!"

Ms. Stacy walked into the back room to gather her things leaving the students to talk amongst themselves as they left.

"Oh, Anne must be in a terrible state," Jane stated and looked at all the girls as they gathered their things in the coat room.

"She did call Matthew one of her kindred spirits," Diana chimed in, "But she's strong, and I'm sure she will make it through this stronger than ever."

Josie didn't say a word for once, simply nodded at Diana's comment and ducked her head out, but not before Diana saw her wiped a tear from her eye.

"Oh! I do hate wearing black. I wish funerals weren't so mel-me-oh! What's the word?!" Ruby shouted.

"I do believe it is melancholy, Ruby. And yes, well, it is a way to honor those in mourning I suppose," Diana said as she pulled her coat on.

"I suppose," Ruby didn't care for that explanation. She didn't enjoy sad things, unless it was the face of a sad, despondent Gilbert Blythe.

"Well, I will see you all tomorrow noon?" Diana asked then opened the schoolhouse door as the other girls nodded and chimed in their yeas.

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