Chapter Six: Realizations

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Hiiiii y'all! Thanks for being so patient about an update!! All I'm going to say is maybe grab a box of issues...


Gilbert ran up the drive to the house throwing open the door thinking to himself, he hadn't been in the barn, so he has got to be in here!

"Bash! BASH! WHERE are are you?" Gilbert was frantic, his mind scattered, and he was certain of only one thing.

Walking out of the kitchen Bash looked at Gilbert concerned, "I'm right here Blythe. What's the matter? Is everything alright with your girl?"

Bash chuckled to himself over the last question, that boy is so over the moon for her, yet so incredibly blind.

"THAT is just it, Bash. Anne is not my girl, but I want her to be," Gilbert collapsed into a chair near the fireplace.

"You-huh-what now, boy?" Bash couldn't believe his ears; was this boy actually on the road to being a man and admitting his love for Anne?

"I LIKE ANNE! Dear God in heaven, I seriously had to spell it out for you, huh?" Gilbert covered his face with his arms and yelled in exasperation.

"Calm yourself, Blythe. I know you do, but, boy, what brought you to this sudden admittance of your feelings towards the girl?" Bash sat down on the couch waiting for Gilbert's answer.

'and this is what makes you two perfect for each other. You're both so oblivious, but not when your together. When you both are together its like magic, but apart it's torture--for both of you'

Diana's words rung in his head....Anne and I—obliviously perfect for each other?...

But Bash pulled him out of his head, "Gilbert. GILBERT. BOY!"

"I'm here. I'm here," Gilbert panted, heaving air in and out of his lungs. He hadn't realized he had been holding his breathe since covering his face.

"So..." Bash pushed, "why the sudden realization?"


"Diana? I don't think I know this Diana..." Bash looked confused.

"She played the fairy queen in the Christmas pantomime. She also happens to be Anne's best friend," Gilbert looked up at Bash to see kind helpful eyes staring right at him.

"Ahhhh yes. The mighty pretty little doll in a tiara. Okay so what about her now?"

"She—she....." stuttering Gilbert looked at the fire.

"Spit it out boy!"

"She said Anne and I were obliviously perfect for each other and that it's magic when we are together, but torture for both of us when we aren't!"

Bash doubled over in a fit of laughter—nearly falling off of the couch.

"THIS DIANA. I must meet this Diana," Bash continued laughing until he forgot how to breathe, wheezing as he drew air back into his deprived lungs.

"This isn't funny, Bash," Gilbert gave him an attempt at a smoldering scowl, but it turned out to be more of pleading puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, dear look I've hurt the dear puppy," Bash gave Gilbert a side glance. Gilbert was not pleased, "Boy, what do you think about what she said?"

"I--I...." Gilbert hesitated, "I'm afraid."

"Afraid?" Bash certainly didn't expect that answer, "Afraid of what? If you ever questioned Anne's feelings before, this Diana has certainly just laid it out for you."

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