Chapter Thirteen: Emotions

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It's like 2am and the most random time for an update but here y'all goooo 

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Minutes had passed and Anne hadn't said a word. Gilbert sat next to her, his hands fidgeting with the grasses near him. The sun had started to set, and a gentle breeze blew through the field causing Anne to shiver.

Ahg! I forgot my jacket! I just needed to get out of that house; I didn't think I'd be out here this long.

Anne hugged herself rubbing her hands up and down on her arms, and then a voice broke her thoughts,

"Here," Gilbert took off his coat and held it so Anne could slip it on.

"Oh, it's—I'm fine Gil—"

"You say that, but you just shivered. So please put it on," Gilbert interrupted her, "last thing I want is you catching a cold because of me."

"Thank you," she slid her right arm into the sleeve and then the other, shrugging on the much to large coat.

ahhh that's better, she thought to herself as she instantly stopped shivering.

She clutched the front of the coat and pulled it tight around her. As she took a deep breathe she noticed a different scent: sweet aroma of apples and the nutty smell of wood.

It smells very homey and cozy. It must have been such fun with the house full of siblings and a nice fire going with laughter in the background. I feel terrible for Gilbert—to have lost everyone in his family.

Gilbert simply watched Anne, as she unknowingly snuggled down into the excess fabric of his coat. He smiled to himself, Bash was right. No matter the outcome, I am glad I have had little Anne Shirley-Cuthbert in my life. Even if this is the end of that time.

"Gilbert?" she broke his thought.

"Yes, Anne?"

"I have one question," she looked at him.

ONE?! She only has one question...after all this time of sitting and thinking. Well, here it goes...


Anne looked at Gilbert, her eyes shining with the reflection of the setting sun,


"Umm," Gilbert was confused, "why what?"

"Why were you okay with Charlie lying to me?" Anne fixed her gaze tightly on the boy.

"Oh," Gilbert sighed, truth. Tell her the truth.

"I was scared...I still am—"

"Scared of what?" Anne interrupted.

Gilbert locked eyes with her, "I'm scared of losing you."

"Oh," Anne was somewhere between perplexed and saddened. She had just thought about how he had lost everyone else in his life, and now she was another person he was scared to loose.

"But—but why?" the thing Anne couldn't comprehend was why it would bother Gilbert if he lost her.

"Wow," Gilbert looked to the sky to find the first star appearing, "you are really going to make me be blunt about it, eh?"

Anne nodded, "now explain."

Gilbert tried to hold in the laugh but failed miserably,

"Oh Anne, how would you explain love?"

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