Chapter Three: Like a Ray of Sunshine

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a/n: (I'll make it short) I can't believe it!! 125 reads! I'm crying thank you so much y'all! and here's an early chapter out of appreciation


Anne Shirley-Cuthbert woke up to the sunshiny colors of late fall streaming in her window. It was the first day back to school after harvest for all Avonlea students.

"EEEEEE it's finally here!" Anne squealed. Although she had only been reminded of school start last week, Anne had not been able to think of anything else.

"What's the noise, Anne?" Marilla called from downstairs.

"NOTHING, MARILLA! Just a beauteous morning! I'll be down shortly!"

Of course 'shortly' was far from the truth. Anne had never worn her hair down, well not outside of Green Gables. She wasn't used to styling her flowing strands down and tied back with a ribbon. Now the debate on if she liked if was a gigantic issue because she still saw her hair as perfectly dreadful and thought the red make her innumerous freckles stand out. However, Anne was not going to pass up the opportunity to fit in with all the other girls--even if it be for just one day.

Anne finally got the pale yellow ribbon to cooperate and her hair nice and flat in the back. She pulled on the matching yellow dress and pinned on her pinafore--which she had added ruffling to the edge of during harvest break. Anne scurried out her bedroom door and down the stairs.

"Now, Anne, you promised you were going to be extra careful if you wore that dress," Marilla scolded Anne's entrance, "and dear, you took a mighty long time getting ready but you do look lovely."

Marilla smiled to herself as she looked at Anne. Her little girl had bloomed into a fine young women during the summer.

"Hurry up, child, or you will be late for school!"

Anne sat down and at her bowl of oats and her boiled egg, trying to eat quickly yet dignified--a hard feat or anyone not to mention our dear Anne. Once finished Anne took her dishes to the wash bin and turned to Marilla giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Goodbye Marilla! Thank you for--EVERYTHING!" Anne called as she walked into the other room to fetch her books.

"You're welcome, Anne. Do go say goodbye to Matthew so he may see your dress, and then hurry along so you won't be late!"

"Okay!" and with that Anne pulled the door closed and started to run to the barn when she remembered she was to be 'extra careful'. darn, it is going to be a mighty difficult task to be careful and dignified today.


Anne was walking up the final stretch of forest path when she heard the school bell ring signaling the start of class.

"ohhhhh I'm late!"

Anne scurried up the steps of the school house despite the 'careful' promise. She opened the door ever so quietly thinking to herself, maybe I can sneak in and everyone will think I've been here. But nature apparently had a different plan, because a sudden gust of wind slammed the door closed behind Anne's hand.

The entire classroom turned to look and murmurs instantly began while she got an admiring stare from her bosom friend who mouthed, "ANNE, YOU LOOK AMAZING!"

"WHY look who finally decided to try to fit in!" non other than Josie Pye exclaimed.

"Now Josie," Ms. Stacy scolded, "Anne, you look lovely and nice of you to join us. Set your things down and come in when your done. Now class let us continue--"

As Ms. Stacy called the rest of the class back to the already begun lesson, all eyes turned back to the chalkboard. Well, all but one, and Anne could feel the warm gaze of the sleepy brown eyes on her face. She turned and went out the door to set her milk in the stream and this time succeeded in coming in quietly. However, those sleepy brown eyes were waiting for her return.



The schoolhouse door suddenly slammed shut. Turning around with the rest of the class, Gilbert saw what he could only describe as the human embodiment of a ray of sunshine. His eyes took in everything, her new dress the matching bow in her hair--she was wearing her hair down? Nearly 3 years and Gilbert hadn't seen the likes of Anne Shirley-Cuthbert with her hair down until last week, and that was an accident--of sorts. But here she stood, in the schoolhouse doorway hair flowing, like a little ray of sunshine. Like a little ray of perfect sunshine in his life.

As Anne walked to her seat his eyes never left her hair. How does she despise it so much? It's so lovely and resonates with her spirit. She truly is like a ray of sunshine.

His thought was interrupted when Ms. Stacy asked him a question, "Hm? I'm sorry Ms. Stacy, what was the question?"

Diana giggled as she nudged Anne in the side; she loved that her bosom friend had Gilbert so entranced practically every time he saw her.
Anne ignored the nudge and blatantly said, "I can answer the question, Ms. Stacy," giving Gilbert a triumphant smirk.

"No that's okay, Anne, I asked Gilbert. I will repeat it for you, Gilbert, what are the Atlantic Maritimes?"

Gilbert smiled looking at Anne remembering the day she had been asked the same question by Mr. Phillips and the conversation in the coatroom as he told Anne of the mnemonic device: Nice Boys Never Say People Eat Insect, and Anne's incredulous look as Diana engaged him to explain.

Laughing to himself over the memory, Gilbert looked up at Ms. Stacy, "New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P.E.I.," he turned to Anne, "oh, and I do think I know why you could answer this question, Anne. You're welcome by the way." A smirk tucked the right side of his mouth up as Anne huffed.

"For your information, Blythe, I knew the answer the first time round, I just didn't feel well that day."

A sniffling Ruby caused Ms. Stacy to end the bantering there, "okay okay you two. For that you both may stay after class and help tidy up." Now, Ms. Stacy did not believe in cruel or public displays of punishment but she did think children had to be kept in line and place if necessary.

Anne looked humiliated, first day back and I let Ms. Stacy down and get in trouble. Not to mention I have to stay late with Gilbert Blythe. UHG! That boy.

Gilbert sat back down in his seat with an unreadable expression on his face; he was somewhere between disappointed in himself at getting into trouble but also pleased to be alone with Anne as they tidied up for their punishment.


Anne sultrily sat in her seat as the rest of the class, except for Gilbert, went to the coat room to collect their things and left. Diana lingered and gave her bosom friend a hug and whispering in her ear.

"Give him a chance," Diana felt Anne's attempt to pull away to give her a look of insanity but Diana held fast, "I think you'll find he's—a kindred spirit, Anne."

Diana pulled away and smiled at Anne whose face was left in disbelief, and turned walking out the door saying, "don't have too much fun you two—or do!"

Gilbert laughed at Diana's less than subtle comment and looked fondly at the redhead. Anne however kept a tight gaze on the chalkboard at the front of the classroom. 

A minute later, Ms. Stacy came out of the back room, her coat on and basket in hand.
"Both of you being my top students I trust that I can trust you both to stay and clean the school house without me having to babysit you?" Ms. Stacy looked knowingly at both students and not waiting for an answer she simply said, "good. Now get to it because I have business in town to attend to."

Ms. Stacy walked out the door and the two top students just stared at each other—sitting alone—in the empty schoolhouse. Together.

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