Chapter Ten: Do you Really Care about Anne?

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Hey guys!
Long title Ik, that may change....thoughts?
Also I just love the AWAE theme song, sooo yeah.

I'm so glad I got this written!! I couldn't quite get into the feel of this chapter, so sorry if it suuuuckssss....

Also, I'm kinda in the writing mood sooooo y'all may get another chapter tomorrow. We'll see. Anyways, here's Ch. 10.


Anne lay in bed as the sun rose and sunlight streamed in her window and birds started their morning songs; however, nothing could lift Anne's mood. She had been awake all night, spurts of bawling intermixed with fits of rage. Her bedsheets were a mess, her pillow was soaked, her hair was a tangly ball of fire, and her eyes were bloodshot.

Anne didn't move. It was a school morning, but she didn't feel like facing all of the guys.

I can't believe they would do such a thing—wait no. I can believe Billy and the rest would do this. But Gilbert? I didn't think he was that kind of a boy. I guess I still can't trust my own judgment of someone.

Anne sighed and rolled over pulling her sheet up over her head.

Downstairs Marilla was cooking breakfast for the child. She hadn't heard footsteps so she knew Anne was not up. Honestly she wasn't surprised, Marilla and Matthew had heard her on and off during the night. When her fits of rage popped up, Anne took to throwing her pillow against the wall, retrieving it and doing it again until she got fed up and burst into tears once more. Marilla hadn't a clue what had thrown the child into such a state, but she sure wasn't about to force her to go to school in one.

Marilla opened Anne's bedroom door holding a tray of food,

"Anne," Marilla said and the redhead groaned.

"Please, Marilla, if I have ever been in the depths of despair I am right now. Oh, PLEASE do not make me go to school. I don't think I could face the day if you did."

"Hush child, I'm not here to force you to go to school. I have breakfast for you."

Anne sat up wide eyed, breakfast in bed? I—I have never had breakfast in bed before.

"Oh thank you, Marilla. I'm sure I'll nibble at it although I'm not terribly hungry this morning."

"Okay, child, eat what you will. And I do expect you to do a few little chores around the house today since you're home, so just bring the tray down when you come to do them," Marilla turned and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

Anne stood up and grabbed a small piece of bacon and crawled back into bed. She tried to imagine the nightmare of the previous day away, but no matter what she tried her thoughts were flooded all the same:

It had all been fake. All of it, what Gilbert said to me....what he said ABOUT me—all of it lies.

Anne buried her face in her pillow muffing the wrenching sobs that escaped once more.


Gilbert had run all the way home. He didn't even stop to breathe on the run nor catch his breath when he got home. He threw open the door letting it swing back shut, and ran to his room.

Gilbert lay on his back as time slowly ticked by, eventually he heard the front door opening and knew it was Bash.

"MAN!" Bash called from the stairs, "What happened?!" Bash looked at Gilbert as he entered the room. He had been in the house when Anne ran in like a whirlwind and up to her room.

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