Chapter Twenty: Stories and Progression

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HIIIIII okay soooo you MAY or may not (*wink*) want tissues on hand.

Also grab a snack and a blanket because this is one of my favorite chapters so far!!

I am taking a trip to see family and I don't know when I will be able to update so I'm SO SORRY for how long the next update will take!!

Now i give you ch. 18 my loves


"You-you," Charlie was confused, "I thought...what?"

Diana laughed, "You forgot? I can't believe you would forget."

Charlie's eyes smoked over lost in a memory.

"Hi Mrs. Barry," the voice of a young Charlie, no more than five or six, shook in obvious fear.

"Hello," Mrs. Barry curtly returned, holding the door open with a white knuckles, "May I help you?"

"I am looking for Diana," Charlie's green eyes sparkled, "She wasn't in school today and I wanted to give her this," Charlie pulled a wild white rose from behind his back.

Mrs. Barry's hard gaze was not phased at all by this sweet gesture towards her daughter; if anything it grew harder.

"She wasn't feeling well, so I kept her home," Mrs. Barry glanced at the flower, "and you may keep it. Give it to your mother."

"Oh," the sparkle drained form Charlie's eyes, "okay Ma'am. Sorry to have waste--"

Mrs. Barry closed the door cutting the little boy off.

"I wasn't sick," Diana admitted, "Mother was furious at me, because I had mentioned that I played tag with everyone the day before and how fun it had been."

"But-i did," Charlie was studying his hands as if they would give him an answer to his confusion.

"I heard everything," Diana looked at Charlie, "I was looking out my bedroom window when I saw you coming. I pushed open my window to say hello, but my mother answered the door."

"I never got to give you the rose," Charlie met Diana's gaze.

"It's alright," Diana blushed, "you've given me this; you've given me my home back."

Minutes passed as the two sat there looking at each other, until a little red bushy tailed friend came and peeped his head in the door.

"Oh!" Diana exclaimed, "it's Anne's Fox!"

Charlie simply nodded, not used to talking so much he was feeling talked out.

The fox wandered in and curled up on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. Diana pulled he curtain back and looked out the little window to see the sun setting.

Oh dear! So much time has passed and I am going to be I so much trouble when I get home.

"I should go," Diana stood, "Mother will be wondering where I've been."

"I'll see you off," Charlie waited for Diana to duck and walk out the makeshift door before he followed.

Diana turned on her heel, looking Charlie in the eyes.

"Thank you," Diana didn't mean for it to come out as a whisper but it did, and before she lost her confidence she stood on tiptoe and kissed Charlie's lightly freckled cheek.

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