Chapter Four: In Due Time

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The air in the schoolhouse was so thick it could have been cut with a knife. Gilbert and Anne sat in their normal seats across the room from each other, but rather facing forwards they were staring at one other. Anne's blood was boiling as her brain yelled, of course only I would get in trouble on the first day back to school...and with Gilbert Blythe! Of all the kids it had to be him, I would choose punishment with Josie maybe even Billy--wait maybe not Billy--over punishment with Gilbert.

"Anne, I never got to say you loo--"

"I'll start by sweeping the back rooms. You can go out and chop firewood for tomorrow," Anne cut Gilbert off with a blank expression on her face, and before Gilbert could counter, she stood up and disappeared into the classroom closet.

Thinking himself alone, Gilbert stood up walking into the coatroom saying, "One of these days, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. One of these days you will know everything in my heart which I wish to say." However, oblivious to Gilbert, Anne had stepped out of the closet holding a broom in her hand as he talked to himself.

The door closed and a frozen Anne stood, white knuckles clenching the broom--breath shaky. Did he just say what I think--no. No, of course not. Anne! Maybe Marilla is right and my imagination is getting the better of itself, but WHY would I imagine GILBERT BLYTHE saying such romantical things--and about me...


Anne was brought back to reality as Gilbert started chopping wood. She walked over to the window he was right outside of and watched him for a few minutes.


Throwing the ax head into the leaf-covered ground, Gilbert leaned over to pick up the two pieces of wood. A dark curl falling out of place and into his eyes, causing a small smile to tuck up on the right side of Anne's mouth. As he stood up and turned Gilbert saw a figure in the window. Ignoring Anne, Gilbert walked over to the wood stack a smirk plastered on his face. He put a new log on the stump and pulled the ax out of the ground. Swinging it up over his shoulder he paused, looking up to the window right into Anne's eyes and winked.


A shiver ran down Anne's spine as Gilbert winked and the ax came swinging down cracking the wood log.

Oh dear, no no no. Anne, how could you be so stupid?—he caught you watching him. AHG! curse you Gilbert Blythe—you and your curly brown hair.... Anne's eyes twinkled at her last thought, STOP IT, ANNE!

She scurried off into the back rooms, sweeping ferociously. She was just finishing the room: sweeping in front of the door when,


The door swung open, right into Anne's face.

"Owwww," hands flying to her nose, Anne staggered backwards, and tripped over her broom. In an instant she braced to land on the hard, wooden floor, but instead felt a gentle, strong hand grasp her waist.


With his hand around her waist, Gilbert pulled Anne forward and steadied her. Anne's eyes were still clamped shut from thinking she was going to fall and her hands still cradled her throbbing nose.

"I'm so sorry, Anne," Gilbert whispered looking down at Anne, "are you okay?"

Anne didn't answer, nor did she open her eyes; she just stood there flushed and a warm feeling vibrating through her body.

Realizing he was still holding Anne by her waist, Gilbert dropped his hands and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Here, let me look at it. I am Avonlea's future doctor after all," Gilbert placed a hand on Anne's trying to remove it from her nose, "Please."

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