Chapter Seven: Tell Her Everything

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Two chapters/updates in a day...whaaaaa? I just really felt inspired y'all lol.

I was listening to this song on like repeat as I wrote this soooo yeah!
And YALL WOW. ILYASM!! Almost 200 more reads just today!! THANK YOU


Anne was freaking out as she stood at the sink washing the dishes from breakfast.

This was her fourth or fifth mood of the day. She had woke up uncharacteristically late. The sun had not been visible outside her window and the birds were not singing their morning songs. Walking to the window she saw two things. Two pieces of paper to be specific; one attached to a branch of Snow Queen right outside her window, and the other nearly under her dresser on the floor by the window.

Anne sighed as she dried her hands on her apron and walked up the stairs. Marilla had gone to have tea with Mrs. Lynde and Matthew was back out in the barn with Jerry. She flung herself back onto her bed and pulled the two notes out of her pocket. They were in different handwritings, but the content was along the same line. Anne reread them starting with the paper that had been on the floor and tied with a little burlap string:

My dearest, Anne,

You have no idea how incredibly long I have wished to say that, and still do because I am quite sure I will never give this to you. Anyways.

Did you see the moon last night? It was stunning. Although I quite like the daytime sky because it reminds me of  the little sparkle in your blue eyes everytime you laugh, I love the night sky for even better reasons.

The moonlight reminds me of your pale disposition, and when I see the bright stars splattered across the sky I can only see the constellations of freckles on your face. You would laugh at me right now, but I mean every word I say, Anne. The parts you hate about yourself I find incredibly dear.

Your aspirations and kind heart push me to do good by all, and I fear—although try as I might—I may never be worthy of one as kind-hearted as yourself. Everytime I see you, you leave me in awe, Anne (with an E) Shirley-Cuthbert.

Ever yours,

wait, one last thing. I think you have some spit fire gumpton, Anne-girl, and I love it.

Anne sighed exasperated. The page ended there, not the smallest bit of paper was left for whoever it was to sign their name. Anne folded the paper back up and tied the string around it, so she could tell them apart. She unfolded the second paper turning onto her stomach and started reading it too once more.

Anne (with an E) Shirley-Cuthbert,

I'm no good at these. Ha. I say that like I have done this previously...well um, I'll just say it; I've waited long enough.

I think your pretty amazing, Anne. Like someone said to me the second day of class, you're invested. You're also strong and just overall amazing. You have this sunny disposition especially when you talk about things you love. You're such a good friend; you came here not knowing a soul and fought for everything. And I admire that. Well I'm running out of paper so I guess I should end this.

-a secret admirer

"AHHHHHG!! What is all this! I swear if these are some cruel prank Billy and the boys are trying to pull I'm gonna—"

"Anne! I'm back from Rachel's!" Anne jumped up from her bed and ran down the stairs at the sound of Marilla's call, "I also made a stop over at the Blythe residence."

Anne froze as she entered the kitchen, "Why?"

"Now Anne, that sounded very rude, and why ever not? I talked with Bash, he really is a lovely man, and invited him and Gilbert to supper tonight."

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