Chapter Twenty-Three: Coffee and Cocoa

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IM SO SORRY!! I feel like crap for not updating in FORVER!

I have finals in literally days, and everything's been insane recently!

*ch. is unedited, I'll do that asap but I hope you enjoy it!!


Hours had gone by and Anne was wide awake. Turning onto her side, she nestled down into the covers smiling to herself at the smell—apples, warmth, and trees. Even the comforting smell of Gilbert was doing nothing for her unsettled nerves.

With a sigh, Anne sat up and lit the candle on Gilbert's bedside table when she heard the creak of a floorboard in the hall.

"Well, I can't sleep anyways," Anne threw back the covers and went to the door.

Mutely she opened the the door and peaked her head out into the hall, to see Gilbert. A blanket draped on his shoulders as he turned to shut the guest bedroom door.

"Gil?" Anne whispered into the darkness.

"Anne!" Gilbert's startled whisper echoing in the hall, "I'm sorry I woke you. Go back to bed."

"You didn't. I can't sleep, my mind is unsettled," Anne shook her head, "why are you up?"

Gilbert sighed, and stepped next to Anne, "I'm sorry you can't sleep, things will settle eventually. Your mind will calm."

Anne absently nodded as she looked down at the warm hand in hers, then up into those hazel eyes as fingers interlaced in hers.

"But why are you awake?" Anne tilted her head at the boy.

"Come with me?" Gilbert questioned as he nodded towards the stairs.

"I can't sleep anyways, so why not," Anne shrugged as Gilbert softly smiled.


Charlie too lay wide awake, re-reading a note which he had found on his desk earlier that day at school. He had just come back in from lunch and there it was folded nice and neatly.


I know what you are doing and don't you think for a minute it will work. You have been hooked on Diana since we all were babies, but the moment the orphan showed up you dumped her like the sun rose in that girl's very eyes.

Now you think you can just switch your attention right back. Ha! Good luck Sloane. I will make sure that won't be possible. Diana deserves far better than the likes of you.

So consider yourself warned, and stay away.

Charlie groaned. The note simply ended, with no hit as to who wrote it. Just as Diana was noticing him—no correction. Just as he and Diana were talking to each other, because she had made it quite clear she had noticed him when they were younger.

"I have to set things right. Tomorrow, at the funeral. I can't possibly wait til Monday. Who knows what she may have heard about me from whoever wrote this blasted letter!" Charlie turned over and blew his candle out, "Yes. Tomorrow I will explain everything to Diana. She's a kind heart, surely she will understand."


"Gilbert!" Anne laughed as Gilbert dragged her into the kitchen, "what are we doing?"

"Coffee or cocoa?" Gilbert looked at Anne very seriously.

"For what?!" Anne asked bewildered.

"Anne! Just answer—coffee or cocoa?" Gilbert released her hand, opening a cabinet door and taking out two mugs.

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