Chapter Nine: Supper and Stars

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Well, here's chapter 9 y'all

like wow. ILYASM!


By the time the two teens arrived back at Green Gables they were both exhausted. Their 'walk' had turned into quite the adventure.

Neither had said anything since entering the forest, and they stood on the porch in silence, looking at each other. They had seen different sides of the other on their little adventure, but neither seemed to need to say anything more about it all. Gilbert's eyes squint-twitched before finally opening the door for Anne.
('squint-twitched' like in chapter two, meaning the look he gave Anne after they blew out the same candle in the Christmas dinner episode. I will most likely use this wording in future chapters, ((because it's such an iconic G.B. look)) so please just remember and I'll stop putting these disrupting a/n!)

Anne rushed inside, taking off her coat and hanging it up,

"Marilla, we're home!" realizing what she'd said Anne quickly rephrased, "err—I mean we're back from our walk!"

Anne dashed into the kitchen before she could even look at Gilbert to see if he had caught her calling her home, Green Gables, his home as well.

"Perfect timing, child," Marilla said looking up at Anne from talking with Bash and Matthew at the table.

Addressing both of them Marilla commanded, "now you two go wash up and then—" Marilla paused as Gilbert entered the kitchen, "heaven child what is on your head?"

Bash looked up from his conversation with Matthew, and an instant smirk slapped across his face, while Matthew simply sat chuckling.

Gilbert's face turned a deep crimson in a fraction of a second. He slipped out of the kitchen, pulling the crown, which had entangled with his dark curls, out of his hair. He lifted his coat and slid the crown into the deepest pocket before hanging his coat back up.

Walking back into the kitchen Gilbert headed to the wash bin.

"Anne went to comb her hair," Marilla explained her absence, "the child looked as if she had wrestled a bear. I do not understand how she gets so untidy sometimes."

Marilla gave Matthew a look while he merely shrugged. Bash turned his attention to Gilbert,

"Sooo, man?" Gilbert looked over his shoulder.

"Yes?" Gilbert turned drying his hands on a cloth that hung on the bin.

"Did you?" Gilbert shot a look to Bash for him to stop talking, but that didn't phase Bash one bit, "Man, please tell me you said it?"

Gilbert merely turned his back without answering Bash and hung the cloth back up.

"Oh, dear," Bash looked disappointed, "well we'll just have to fix that, eh?"

Marilla and Matthew couldn't have been more confused on the conversation. Clearly there was pretext neither of which knew about.

Gilbert spun around opening his mouth, but before he could say a word Anne came bounding down the stairs, the same joyful sparkle in her eyes.

"Oh I just love Octobers! Don't you?" the question just hung in the air, no one exactly sure what to say, "well I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers..."

"Yes yes, child. Now come sit yourself down so we may finally eat. You kids must be ready for a good meal after that long walk."

Bash gave the boy a knowing look as Gilbert sat down next to him. Avoiding Bash's eyes and Anne's and well everyone's look for that matter, Gilbert quietly placed his napkin in his lap.

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