Chapter 22

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They hugged me as if they had known me since birth. I didnt want the hug to end, because when it did, I'd have to tell a story. The story of an orphanage run by a greedy, abusive woman. About a woman who changed my life, and my father who was insanely cruel, but im sure they knew that already.

The hug ended.

"My darling... You are so beautiful." Louise, my grandmother said. Her voice was worn, her hair becoming grey, and a painful scar was on her face, but I felt safe.

"Thank you." I smiled

"You haven't spoken to your father have you?" My grandfather asked sort of suspicious, his side of the hug was weak. Louise quickly hushed him.

"No, not recently... He has no effect on me as well." I felt myself speak differently, trying to match their tones and style of voice. They were English and proper.

"You are joking?" Albert questioned.

"No, sir, completely immune" his eyebrow lifted as if waiting for a laugh. He didn't believe me. "Ask Jessica, she tested me herself,"

"Where is Jessica?" Louise asked.

"She wanted to give us a minute, she took a walk," I responded.  The door opened. Jessica came in holding a paper bag.

"Ah, Jessica, there you are," Albert said meeting her at the door. He began to whisper and looked back at me. I understood, he was unsure. Jessica nodded with certainty.

"How can you be sure?" He asked.

"I know her, she's not one," Jessica reassured. Albert came up to his wife kissing her.

"Albert!" She said surprised by her husband.

"We're gonna be free!" Albert said nearly jumping up and down. Jessica and I looked at each other, I shrugged and looked back to the couple.

"...What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Hunny. You're the key! If we can find what makes you immune we can make an antidote!" Albert said.

"Oh... Okay. What do I have to do...?"

"No need to worry. Just some of your blood and nothing more." Albert clarified. A wave of relief washed over me.

"Yeah, lets do it!" I agreed. Jessica seemed off, she stood close by the door and looked at me funny. I didn't question her look. I sat down and allowed Albert to get a vile of blood.

My grandparents took a couple viles of blood with no complications. They went right to work. I wanted more from them, I wanted more of their time. I went home with Jessica and slept beautifully. I felt warmer, apart of something, loved, complete.

I woke up to Jessica already awake and drinking.

"Jess, it's a bit early for that."

"Don't worry about it," Jessica barked. There was a moment of silence. "I'm sorry Emma,"

"You're stressed... I understand,"

"Its not just that. I have to leave town for awhile, I need to to stay with Trish"

"What the hell Jess! What for?"

"Kilgrave reached out... He wants me to meet him."

"So you're just gonna go? What are you crazy!"

"Maybe... But I have a plan." Jessica stood up and went out the door.

"Where are you going??"

"Go stay with Trish!" She shouted as she entered the elevator. Malcolm came out of his apartment.

"What's going on?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Jessica is meeting a bad person.."

"Kilgrave?" Malcolm came fully into the apartment.

"You know him??"

"He used to be my drug dealer..."

"Used to be?"

"Not anymore, I'm clean from him and drugs."

"That's so good! I'm proud of you!" I hugged Malcom.

"Thank you," he blushed. "Now, did Jessica say where she was going?"

"No, just that she was going to see Kilgrave,"

"Maybe if we look around we'll find something?"

"Yeah.... Yes! Good idea," Malcom started fumbling through papers in Jessicas desk while I looked on her laptop. All the tabs open were pictures of a black man and woman in bed...

"I think I found what we were looking for," I quickly shut the laptop and looked to see what Malcom had.
"It's a nit from kilgrave,"

"You sure?"

"Positive. Its an address," I snatched the paper from Malcolm and ran to get a coat. "Emma! Its not safe," I threw the jacket on and ran to the elevator. Malcolm followed.

"Thanks Malcolm!"

~One long taxi ride later~

"How much do I owe you?" I reaches into my pocket for money.

"Thirty," the man answered. I counted the money in my hand and relized I just had enough. I paid the man and got out of the car. The sun was setting and the air had a chill to it. I zipped up my jacket and went around the house. In the back of the house was a window, the shades lifted just enough to see inside. I could see Kilgrave pacing, the sight of him made me shiver. A hand touched my shoulder!

"What are you doing!" The man said in a firm voice and turned me around.

"Oh, so sorry. He's been expecting you,"

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