Part 8

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Honor looked at Logan with concern as she sat down in the chair closest to her.

Logan then took a seat on a chair across from her.

"What's wrong baby brother?"

Logan sighed, "What I'm about tell you might be hard to comprehend. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it."

Honor nodded for him to continue.

"Rory was little over a month in on the Obama campaign trail, about 5 to 6 weeks when she wasn't feeling well. Her friend took her to the hospital after she passed out from what seemed, low blood pressure. She found out she was pregnant. Pregnant with my child." Logan said looking straight in Honor's eyes. Honor was in shock. She was about to speak when Logan cut her off.

"She would have told me if she had enough courage, but days later she was given an assignment. She stressed out so much that she forgot she was pregnant for a moment and had a miscarriage shortly after. Her friend took her to the hospital a second time, that's when she, herself, found that out." A silent tear fell down Logan's cheek. Honor gasped, tears welled up in her eyes as well.

"Hugo, gave her time off, and she's talked with a therapist for 4 years. Rory was offered a few jobs, one being the Boston Globe where she works now."

Honor didn't know what to say, she had her own tears as she watched Logan break down in front of her.

"She carries around a sonogram from when she found out, Honor. An-and when she told her dad... they made a headstone for the baby in their private family cemetery." Logan choked on a sob.

As did Honor, but her tears were flowing freely.

"Logan! I'm so sorry!" Honor gasped through her tears.

The two Huntzberger siblings shared a moment of peace, when suddenly a phone rang.

Logan and Honor both went to their phones to see if it was their's. It wasn't.

Logan saw Rory's buzzing phone on the counter.

He picked it up and it flashed an unknown number.

He answered it anyways.

"Hello?" Logan asked the caller.

"Hello, this is Nurse Kelly at Hartford Memorial, who am I speaking too?"

"Logan Huntzberger."

"Oh okay, then I must have the wrong number then. Do you by chance know a Rory Gilmore?"

"Yes. That is my wife."

"May I speak to her please?"

"She's busy at the moment can I take a message?"

"Have her call this number as soon as possible."

"Will do."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Huntzberger. Have a good day."

"To you as well."

The nurse then hung up.

"Who was that?" Honor asked.

"A nurse from Hartford Memorial."

"Why was a nurse calling Rory?"

"I have no idea."

After a few minutes Honor left and Logan sat down on the bed with his head in his hands and elbows resting on his knees.

Logan heard the small click of a door opening and closing and some shuffling but he didn't look up. He knew it was Rory just changing.

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