Chapter One

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Fractured Glass

"Oh Cancer no!" I cursed as I woke with a start. Another nightmare... I thought. It was the fifteenth this month. Crawling out of my hammock, I tried my best to not fall, though I did not succeed. Faceplanting into the grass, I grumbled in annoyance. How do I still fail at getting out of this hammock? I've had the exact same hammock for my whole life. Standing up, I brushed off the dirt, grass, and possible leaves from my body.

It's unusually quiet... I thought. My father, Aquafina, was a loud and social person. At this time I would find him surfing on the waves, cheering and doing all sorts of tricks to make my mother, Grimoire and my older siblings, Maelstrom and Whirlpool laugh. Maelstrom and Whirlpool were twins, and unlike them, I looked nothing like our parents. Sometimes the suspicion of me being adopted had crossed my mind. I always found it absurd though, my parents would never keep secrets from me. Right...? Shaking my head, I began to walk, looking for my family.

When I reached the shore of our island, there I saw... A dragon?! That couldn't be possible. Those things did not exist. But how was it there?! Right in front of my own eyes?! I knew my eyes played tricks on me, but this topped it out of all the things I've seen. Stepping back, I heard a loud crunch. Wincing, I realized I made a big stupid horror movie decision. The dragon turned to look at me, when we made eye contact, I noticed it had my father's pupilless, eggshaped eyes. "D-D-Dad?!" I gasped, barely able to pay attention to my surroundings.

"Oh Luna, I'm so sorry! I've been wanting to tell you for so long but I-" I didn't listen to the dragon, I spun around and I began to run. It could speak! It had his voice! Was he- he couldn't be. But he is! I saw it with my own eyes. Even I knew that they couldn't play any trick that insane. I had to face this fact, my dad is a dragon. Something that was just supposed to be a myth. As my thoughts raced like a raging storm, I hadn't paid attention to how far I've run away from the shoreline. You're disobeying his rules... I thought but shook it off. Aquafina had always told us not to go deeper into the rainforest, it was probably because he couldn't reach my family that way.

He isn't your family. The thought struck me like a stone to the head. It was obvious to me now, I was definitely adopted. But why did they keep it a secret? Was my mother a dragon too? My older siblings? Can I trust anyone in my family anymore? Cut it out, Luna! For whatever reason, he kept these secrets from you must because of something logical. I scolded myself. Slowing down, I leaned against a tree, attempting to catch my breath.

"Dad won't be all too happy..." I said to myself, a small laugh emitting from my lungs. My thoughts were still racing, but at least I was attempting to calm myself down, process this, and accept it. "This is insane..." I spoke to myself once again. I did this often to help me think, calm down, or feel better. Slowly, I began to have a conversation with myself, letting my thoughts pour out into the quiet and damp air.


"Luna! Are you alright?! You've been gone all day! Did you eat? Did you get lost? Hurt?" my father was throwing questions left and right at me. Interrupting his worried squawking, I said, "I'm fine. But I know I'm adopted," almost instantly the air seemed tense, my father stared at me with pure shock spread over his features. My mother, who was fishing, stopped and looked at me, her expression mimicking my father's. "What are you..." my father started. "Aquafina, enough of this. She's almost fourteen, she needs to know." my mother, Grimoire said.

Sighing, my father pinched the bridge of his nose. "Might as well since she knows I'm not human." my father said dully. "You told her?!" my mother shrieked at my father. Both of us winced. "No. I didn't tell her, Grimoire," Aquafina said calmly.

"Then how in Shinigami's name does she kn-"

"She saw." my father interrupted.

Just at that moment, the two began their harmless bickering. Unable to be more patient than usual I shouted, "okay enough with the squabbling! Now tell me what you want to." both looked at me, rather shocked. Never have I once raised my voice at anyone.

"Alright... We'll tell you."


"So... You found me on a plank, wrapped in a blanket with my locket on my neck, information was kept in it about me, everything but who my family was...?" I said, slowly putting the pieces together.

"Well, we do know your biological last name. It's Mangata," my father said surprisingly seriously.

"Mangata? Weird. Any idea on what it means?" I asked thoughtfully. "We have no clue..." my mother said softly. "I'm glad you told me this but... How does this even explain how I, an infant, was the only one to survive that shipwreck and how it went down," I said, beginning to ponder. Then realization struck me.

"Wait a minute, they wrote my last name so I could be returned to my bloodline! But you didn't bring me home!" I shouted, anger already beginning to boil in my veins.

"Now Luna..." he began but I interrupted, my rage blinding me. "How can I even believe that Luna is my real name?! For all I know, you could've killed my family!" at that moment, I realized I made the worst decision possible. My father hated genocide, he even hated just the mention or thought of it. His seafoam eyes seemed to go hallow, his scleras went... Bright orange... Like magma. At that moment, I heard what one would describe as a demonic growl... Coming from my father. 

Then, he lunged.

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