Chapter Twenty-Three

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Never Leaving

Ravensight's P.O.V.

"Aquamarine," I began to speak, "maybe before we be leavin', shouldn't we train?"

"Train? Why?" Aqua looked over at me, a brow raised.

"W-Well, the Sun might not want to... Ye know, make peace and evenly separate the world 'tween night and day. They might be pickin' a fight," I stammered, I knew he hated fighting, but we both knew I was right.

"...Alright," he sighed softly and my jaw dropped in surprise. Did he just agree to fighting?

"What? You and I both know you're right. The only way for them to listen to use is sadly through violence. Their fire blinds them while the water sees everything crystal clear," he explained to me and I nodded numbly.

"Should we get your wife involved...?" I hesitantly asked, knowing how powerful and useful Grimoire truly was. Grimoire was a powerful siren, he could not only lull someone into the water, but he can control water and blood. He could completely control someone if he wanted to.

"...Possibly, I'll go fetch him," he said, falling off the railing and into the ocean waters. Time to train, I thought as I faced my crew. Taking a deep breath, I began to order them around, telling them to go on shore and train as hard as they could. We'd stop at every other island and train until we'd arrive at the Sun's island, which was rather terrifying. Especially since the sun was high overhead, watching our every move and hearing our every word-

"Wait!" I cried, struck with an idea. The entire crew halted in an instant, staring at me with wide eyes.

"We be restin' durin' the day and be trainin' at night, for then the sun will not be knowin' our tactics and strategies," I said and they blinked in surprise.

"Ravensight, you sound smart," Hurricane said.

"Yeah! You sound like Luna!" her little sister, Shelly joined in.

"Hurricane, please don't encourage yer little sister," I said calmly and she huffed, walking away.

"Now everybody rest up! We've got a long night ahead!" I shouted before heading down below the deck, crawling into Luna's hammock. How does she always struggle to get in these? They're a breeze! I thought, climbing in with surprising ease. Closing my eyes, I began to drift into the realm of slumber.


"Rrrraaaaaavvvvvennnnnn...~" I heard someone hum, poking my face as they did.

"A few more hours..." I grumbled, waving my face in the air to shoo away whoever disturbed my slumber.

"C'mon kiddo, we have to train...!" they said, tickling me. Oh god, I thought as my eyes snapped open, bursting into laughter. Aquafina was tickling me and I could see a familiar figure next to him, and it wasn't Luna.

"Agh! Aquafina, s-s-staph!" I stammered, snorting from time to time.

"Will you get up?"

"Aye!" I cried, tears already streaming down my face from the body spasms.

"Good!" he released me and I sighed in relief, soon remembering who was next to him.

"Grimoire...?" I asked I have only met him once, along with his children. It was the very last day Aquafina was on the ship, he introduced me to his newborn children and his soon to be fiance, he was planning to propose, Grimoire.

"Yes?" he asked, staring down at me.

"I... How have ye been? Last time I saw ye was when we first met," I said softly.

"I've been doing well, but my you haven't changed in the slightest, Ravensight! Why is that?"

I tensed. Should I tell the siren? Would Aquafina allow me to? I glanced over at him, his eyes were blank. He blanked out again. The one time I need you, you're blanked out due to the damn drugs! I thought furiously and I gulped loudly. Grimoire had no clue, I think, that Aquafina did drugs, nor did his children.

"Well... I..." I began, then sighed.

"I be not all too sure that Aqua would want me tellin' ye yet."

"What? Why?" his eyes narrowed and I shuddered.

"It be complicated. If he be lettin' me say, I will," I explained, glancing at the dragon every so often. I couldn't just break the prince dragon's promise, I'll be slaughtered! And this situation was only getting worse since both of them were terrifying.

"Ravensight..." he began when Aquafina suddenly collapsed and began to have a seizure.


Author's Note:

Well, well, well! Isn't this a surprise, five chapters done in one week! Either way, I'd like to thank you all for reading up to this point so far and if you notice any mistakes, like not labeling the chapter, please let me know and I'll fix it ASAP! I hope you all enjoy your weekends and prepare yourselves for the final chapters! Farewell, for now, my stars!

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