Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Wake up... Wake up... Wake up..." someone whispered into my head like a broken record. Who was that? Why were they telling me to wake up? Then I realized I couldn't breathe and I could hear crying.

"Open your eyes...!" the same voice cried out and I jolted awake, gasping. Almost instantly, someone was hugging me. I heard sobbing all around me but I couldn't see due to my eyes still attempting to adjust.

"Ravensight...?" I asked groggily. It had to be him, I knew the feeling of our hugs.

"Aye, ye scared the entire ship when ye stopped breathin'!" he sniffled, still trying to control his crying.

"I... I stopped breathing?" I mumbled, soon realizing Ravensight's hand was clasped with mine. Heat ran to my face and I looked around, I was in Ravensight's bed. Dad, my brothers, James, and Ravensight were in the room with me. All appeared to of been crying, in fact, my dad still was.

"Daddy?" I looked up at him, he covered his mouth and looked away. Crying. What was wrong? What had happened? Was I okay? Did anything change?

"M-M-Maelstrom, Whirlpool, what happened? Why is dad crying?" I looked over at them, tears ready to form.

"At first it was because we thought we were going to lose you," Whirlpool started.

"Then it was joy and relief... You're alive," Maelstrom finished. Usually, this thing my brothers do creep people out, but it didn't bug me, not one bit. The two were so close that they could practically read one another's minds. I understood this, while some people just didn't.

"Luna..." James spoke softly and my head snapped in his direction. It looked as if he had done the least amount of crying, no surprise there.

"Don't be a fucking idiot next time," he said and turned to leave. Everyone in the room tensed, even me. As he began to walk out, I saw a smug smile on his face, causing me to grin. Oh, I couldn't wait to wipe that fucking look clean off his face, so I didn't wait. Suddenly, he stopped dead in his tracks. Raising my hand up, I snapped my fingers and an orb of light shoots out of them and right into the center of his spine. I heard him cry out and fall to the ground, causing everyone to stare at him and me.

"Long story short, I'm able to control my abilities," I explained, "but James, don't fucking dare try to snap at me." he shuddered in reply, this light ability I had was rather complex... But the main thing it could do was open people's eyes to the truth. Which is what I did to James, I opened his eyes to see what is actually going on.

"How...?" Ravensight started, and I locked eyes with him. "Oh," after he spoke once more, he looked away and dad raised a brow.

"What just happened?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Y'know how you start saying something and mom does the thing you wanted to ask? That's kinda what happened. But what are we doing? We have to save night and day!" I exclaimed and my brothers jumped to action, as did my dad.

Ravensight... I thought, suddenly remembering that our hands were still clasped together. Releasing his hand, I looked away from him.

"Since I can't get up due to my wounds... You'll need to do your usual stuff," I muttered and he chuckled, causing a blush to run to my face. Why did he always do this? He was almost always on my mind and would be the first thing I think of when in danger or wake up. It's been growing aggravating, why was he constantly on my mind? I had no clue, but I do know I want it to stop.

Yet, I want it to continue.

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